Zhang Ziran's personal blog changes the theme of robin zmingcx (brother bird) Alice

 Zhang Ziran's personal blog changes the theme of robin zmingcx (brother bird) Alice
Due to the time problem, the author link of the theme at the bottom of Zhang Ziran was not updated in time, which led to a large number of people contacting Zhang Ziran to ask about the theme code recently. I hereby express my deep apology to Brother Bird! Robin zmingcx (brother bird) Ality theme official website: http://zmingcx.com/ality-theme-0-32-released.html The following content comes from the official introduction: Without major bugs, the Ality theme will not be updated in the near future. Since the theme has been updating piecemeal, which inevitably leads to code procrastination, we are ready to completely overturn and rewrite the theme, so as to lay a good foundation for future CMS theme production

Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Officially Launches Baidu Wording and Baidu Site Search

 Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Officially Launches Baidu Wording and Baidu Site Search
You can select any file in the blog without copying to use Baidu Search. Of course, there are some advertisements on Baidu's home page. Although contrary to my original intention. But I think this function is still practical. Besides, Baidu has also made changes to move the advertisement to its own page, so naturally there is no other requirement for that one. And it is said that this can also optimize the inclusion, also helping Baidu analyze big data. I hope you can support and understand Zhang Ziran. Thank you.

Zhang Ziran's personal blog apologized for the users who were wrongly judged as spam comments by Akismet recently.

 Zhang Ziran's personal blog apologized for the users who were wrongly judged as spam comments by Akismet recently.
For example, relevant comments were released after being manually reviewed, but some of them were automatically deleted after being intercepted by akismet and could not be recovered. Zhang Ziran apologized for this. Zhang Ziran promised not to delete any user's "normal" comments, but she has zero tolerance for users' behaviors such as advertising, top brushing and likes.

Zhang Ziran's personal blog website has been revised, with speed optimization and function addition and deletion in progress.

 Zhang Ziran's personal blog website has been revised, with speed optimization and function addition and deletion in progress.
During the optimization process, there may be temporary page blank and other failures. Generally, it can be recovered by refreshing the page. Please understand. The optimization process record and problem solving will be updated gradually later. The main changes are: Replace with a new responsive theme. (Thanks to Brother Bird, the new theme can only ensure normal typesetting under IE6.) Replace the underlying program of the server from the original Linux, Apache, nginx, php, MySQL to Linux tengine、mysql、hhvm。 Optimize the security speed of the server in depth. Continue with wordpress speed

About Zhang Ziran's personal blog, if you can't access it again, the solution

 About Zhang Ziran's personal blog, if it can't be accessed again, the solution
After Zhang Ziran's personal blog was tragically held by Godaddy a few days ago, I deeply realized that domain name security cannot be ignored! To prevent similar events from happening again, if there is a problem with the next resolution, please manually host to each Cdn node ip of Zhang Ziran's personal blog or directly use the alternate domain name blog.ytxe.com (this domain name can only be used when the zhangziran.com domain name cannot be used normally). In addition, there are beauty benefits below. Zhang Ziran's personal blog partial cdn node list (the first Shanghai Telecom node is recommended): sh1.zhangziran.com par1....

Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Was Badly Held

 Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Was Badly Held
Zhang Ziran's personal blog was held by Godaddy for an unwarranted reason, resulting in the domain name of Zhang Ziran's personal blog could not be resolved normally from July 9, 2014 to the morning of July 11, 2014. I strongly condemn Godaddy's idea of replacing CEO to discriminate against Chinese people! You may have guessed the cause of the matter. Yes, because the domain name whois information problem. The previous information is basically true information, but the address is written in Chinese Pinyin. Can this also be the reason for godaddy to hold the domain name at will. Does a Chinese register a domain name, and the address format must follow your Yankee

Zhang Ziran's personal blog is free to sponsor personal blog space

 Zhang Ziran's personal blog is free to sponsor personal blog space
Zhang Ziran strongly suggests applying for free space provided by Alibaba Group (more stable and reliable than that provided by Zhang Ziran): www.zhangziran.com/hichina-free-host.htm Since Zhang Ziran himself was looking for free space everywhere when he first came into contact with the Internet, he deeply understood that he wanted to be a website and a blog but suffered from the pain of no space and no domain name. After deep consideration, Zhang Ziran plans to sponsor the provision of free php space. Although there are many free spaces at present, for example, Zhang Ziran's personal blog free resources column has many free spaces. But Zhang Ziran still intends to