About Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog

This document will be updated on May 29, 2022

First of all, welcome to“ Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog ”( www.zhangziran.com )。

If you accidentally visit Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog And then he accidentally entered About Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog This page proves that you have a little narcissism towards Zhang Ziran (maybe a little narcissistic, since you can't hit me anyway, let me narcissism) or Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Some content is a little interesting.

If Zhang Ziran is wrong, it must not be your fault. Maybe Zhang Ziran should shut down the room and review why About Zhang Ziran's Blog The links on this page are so easy to click.

If Zhang Ziran is right, then I should be secretly happy!!!! Well, I'm wordy. If you have the ability, hit me.

Let's get to the point:

Introduction to Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog

Join Zhang Ziran's personal blog

Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact information

Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Copyright Statement

Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog Disclaimer


Introduction to Zhang Ziran's personal blog:

Zhang Ziran's personal blog was founded on October 1, 2011 and is currently maintained and updated by Zhang Ziran himself.

Zhang Ziran's personal blog is a blog type personal website. It records some small experiences that Zhang Ziran summarized in the process of learning and working, as well as some free or paid resources that have been tested. Welcome to Zhang Ziran's personal blog for exchange and study! Author: Nature Zhang.

If you happen to find an article or a picture or file here useful to you, that one will naturally feel very happy. If you don't find any useful information or have difficulties that can't be solved, please go to Zhang Ziran's personal blog message book Leave a message to Zhang Ziran, and I will try my best to help you when I have time (Zhang Ziran is also busy, so Do not accept any consultation methods other than message book , sorry.)

Zhang Ziran's personal motto:

Be grateful for nature and return to nature- Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Harmony between heaven and earth is precious, filial piety is the first among all good deeds- Zhang Ziran updated and released on July 4, 2015

Faithful, stable, quick and grateful- Zhang Ziran updated and released on February 6, 2014

Go your own way and let others talk!

There is only one life. Since you come to this world, you must live a famous life, so that you can be worthy of your parents, society and yourself!!!

The meaning of the domain name zhangziran.com:

Zhangziran.com is Zhang Ziran 's full spelling,

The domain name of Zhang Ziran's personal blog is the phonetic composition of Zhang Ziran (my nickname) The com suffix (gtld) is the most commonly used and popular universal domain name suffix in the world. Most people can remember my domain name as long as they can remember my name (nickname).

In fact, my name is also easy to remember. The foreman (Zhang) doesn't need me to explain more, naturally (I feel it is easy to remember, what do you think?)

The following collect people with the same name as Zhang Ziran:

If you still know or your friends have the same name as me, you can also add it, and I will add it in time. My contact information: Contact information of Zhang Ziran's blog  。

The Jade Emperor in the list of gods is also called Zhang Ziran (is it a loser's name, haha - updated on February 6, 2015, I don't know whether it's my old age or how, but now I don't like online characters like loser anymore.)

Mercedes Benz designer Zhang Ziran (Nature. Zhang, a young designer of Mercedes Benz, has previously served the PSA technology center and has deep insights into Chinese automobile design)

Zhang Ziran, Pharmaceutical Group (Zhang Ziran, Vice President of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, former Vice President of Shenwei Pharmaceutical Group, President of Shanghai Medical Alumni Association) - Updated at 7:30 p.m. on May 8, 2014

Member of the Working Committee of the Administrative Committee of Sanmenxia Economic Development Zone (responsible for the work of industry, foreign economy, work safety and other economic sectors, in charge of the Economic Development Bureau and the Bureau of Commerce.) Updated by Zhang Ziran on February 6, 2015

Objectives of Zhang Ziran's personal blog:

Create an experience of sharing personal experience and maximize the value of blog existence. Of course, I also hope to do an Internet famous blog!!!!

The purpose of Zhang Ziran's personal blog:

Try not to write anything that is too theoretical, because the article is not written for yourself, and it also loses the value of sharing.

Follow nature and advocate concentration. (This is also what my parents want, so they call it Zhang Ziran.). Zhang Ziran will work hard and make progress with everyone in this blog!!

Join Zhang Ziran's personal blog

If you want to join, you can contact Zhang Ziran: Contact information of Zhang Ziran's blog

Zhang Ziran is looking forward to your joining. Because Zhang Ziran's personal blog only wants to be a pure personal knowledge sharing and accumulation blog, and does not plan to make a profit at present, so there is no benefit. It is all personal hobby!! You know, sometimes things are not so important. (No one will be accepted for any reason, but you can still choose to contribute. - Updated on May 4th, 2015)



Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact information:

To avoid spam, the message box has been closed. Please refer to the following contact information directly.

The message box at the bottom of the page can directly send an email to Zhang Ziran (At the same time, I may also receive SMS notification.)

Free technical consultation please send an email (reply uniformly when idle), QQ and telephone are limited to other matters.

Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact QQ: 45647854 (fictional, unified access to contact information via email)

Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact email: Support # zhangziran.com (# is replaced by @)

Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact number: 18820080808 (fictional, unified access to contact information via email)

Contact address of Zhang Ziran's personal blog: A51, No. 157, Chaoyang Road, Fiction City, Fiction Province (Fiction, unified access to contact information via email)



Personal copyright statement of Zhang Ziran's blog:

On the Millennium Act: http://www.google.cn/dmca.html

1. Zhang Ziran's blog adopts the authorization agreement of "Creative Commons", and the personal blog (blog) must also follow the creative commons agreement of "signature - non-commercial use - keep consistent" to reproduce the content of this website. Commercial websites or unauthorized media shall not copy the content of this website.

2. This website refuses to illegally reprint. Violators will complain about illegal reprints according to the Millennium Act, which will lead to the blocking of Google Adsense on your website.

3. Unless otherwise stated, the articles of Zhang Ziran's blog are all original by Zhang Ziran, and the copyright of all original articles and pictures belongs to Zhang Ziran's personal blog and third-party service providers. Do not use any content of Zhang Ziran's personal blog for any commercial purpose without the consent of this website or a third-party service provider.

4. The link address of the reproduced article and the copyright statement can be reproduced without application, and will not lead to any complaints.

5. Zhang Ziran's blog has joined the Creative Commons copyright agreement. Agreement address: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/cn Agreement content:

You are free to copy, distribute, exhibit, perform, show, broadcast or spread the articles on this website through the information network, or even create deductive works.

However, the following conditions must be observed:

1: Note that it is from "Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog". If you want to spread the articles on this website through the Internet, please add a link of "www.zhangziran. com" on the basis of the signature;

2: Except with the permission of "Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog", any commercial applications (including for-profit websites reprinting articles on this website) are prohibited;

3: If you change, convert or create articles based on this site, you can only use the same license agreement as this site agreement to publish deductive works of articles based on this site. If you reprint the articles on this website, please abide by the copyright agreement of this website. If you cannot abide by the copyright agreement of this website, please delete all the articles reprinted on "Zhang Ziran's personal blog" on your website. Thank you for respecting the hard work of "Zhang Ziran"! It's not easy to write a blog, and even more difficult to write an experience article! (Zhang Ziran's personal blog reserves the right to maintain the site at any time).

4: Copyright related laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China: http://www.ncac.gov.cn (Website of the National Copyright Administration of China)

Note: "Zhang Ziran Blog", "This Site", "Zhang Ziran Personal Blog" and "Zhang Ziran" in the article all represent "www.zhangziran.com".


Zhang Ziran's personal blog by Zhang Ziran  is licensed under a Creative Commons signature 3.0 Unported License

be based on www.zhangziran.com Creation of works on.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.zhangziran.com .



Zhang Ziran's personal blog disclaimer:

Zhang Ziran's personal blog values your ideas, opinions and suggestions, but please limit your comments to the content of the article, and please do not use vulgar language. If you like our point of view, please let us know, and if you don't agree with our point of view, please tell us why. Zhang Ziran's personal blog rejected and deleted those comments that Zhang Ziran thought were abusive, defamatory, or for other reasons, which will not be notified in advance.

Please note that this is a personal site, so comments may only appear after being approved. Zhang will naturally review your comments at the first time, so if your comments do not appear immediately, please do not submit your comments many times at once (there is a time difference). Comments here do not necessarily represent Zhang Ziran's attitude, and Zhang Ziran will not be responsible for the content of these comments. So please do not post any private information (unless you think it can be known to the public), including your work or your employees.

Copyright Statement of Shared Content (added on July 4, 2015)

Zhang Ziran's personal blog sharing content is searched from the Internet and netizens' contributions, and only introduces and shares download links from search engines. It does not store and provide distribution download links on Zhang Ziran's personal blog server or Zhang Ziran's personal blog cdn. Zhang Ziran's personal blog fully recognizes the importance of copyright protection. At the same time, Zhang Ziran's personal blog also hopes that netizens can better and healthily recognize the need to respect the author and support the legitimate version.

As the software may be uploaded by netizens through submission, Zhang Ziran's personal blog has not been reviewed one by one. If there is copyright infringement, please email in time and show the copyright certificate, and we will delete it within 24 hours. Email address for copyright issues: copyright@anti-spam.zhangziran.com

About Zhang Ziran himself:

Net name: Suixin (changed to Nature in 2015)

Gender: Male (Gender is just a label... don't be too vague...)

Age: MM/DD/YYYY (guess)


Well, that's all. Come and have a look when you have time. I hope Zhang Ziran's personal blog can bring you some convenience, and thank you for your concern about Zhang Ziran's personal blog!

-----------------------------------I am the dividing line, and the following is the record of previous deletion-----------------------------------------

Backup of modified logs and deleted contents

On July 15, 2012, it was revised and updated again. Zhang Ziran's personal blog has the final right of revision and interpretation. Thank you for your cooperation!

On May 8, 2014, I revised and updated that sentence again. I myself have the final right to revise and interpret that sentence. (If I say so, will you hit me? The ball should not be hit.)

It was revised and updated on February 6, 2015. Zhang Ziran's personal blog has the final right to revise and explain it. It's better not to kill me.

It was revised and updated on July 4, 2015. Zhang Ziran's personal blog has the final right of revision and interpretation. You can't call me anyway.

Update backup:

Zhang Ziran's personal blog is a small personal website of Internet blog type, which contains some of the most commonly used functions of personal blogs. It records a little experience of Zhang Ziran's study and work, and it is also a personal blog for you and your friends to check information! They aspire to follow nature and advocate concentration. Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog - Welcome! Author: Nature Zhang.

To avoid spam, the following contact information has been closed.

This page is not suitable for comments, please move to: Zhang Ziran's personal blog message book Express opinions