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Junior High School Chinese - Grade 8 Volume 2 - Lesson 21 - Lecture Script of Zhuangzi and Huizi Swimming on Haoliang

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Recruitment and Examination Website Author: Wang Suchen Time: 2024-01-24 14:22:04

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Dear examiners! (Bowing) I am the examinee No. * of the language group.

Now I will share with you my teaching ideas for the text "Chuang Tzu and Hui Tzu Swim on Haoliang".

1、 Talking about textbooks

Zhuangzi and Huizi Traveling over Haoliang is a quotation argumentative paper in Zhuangzi Autumn Water. In addition to the first sentence, which uses narrative language to explain the story background, the whole article uses dialogue to tell the "debate on Haoliang". Both sides of the debate are closely related to the theme, but the thinking of the debaters is quite different. Benevolence is from the perspective of cognitive law. People and fish are two different creatures. People can't feel the happiness, anger and sadness of fish. Zhuang Zhou, on the other hand, from the perspective of artistic rules, likes fish as well as people. It shows Chuang Tzu's broad-minded mind, advocating nature, and elegant life style.

2、 On learning emotion

The eighth grade students have systematically learned three units of classical Chinese, and have accumulated certain knowledge of classical Chinese. They can preliminarily understand the text with the help of annotations and certain knowledge of classical Chinese, and have certain ability to analyze and understand classical Chinese. However, students' interest in learning classical Chinese is not very strong, so we must pay attention to cultivating students' interest in learning classical Chinese in teaching.

3、 On Teaching Objectives, Key Points and Difficulties

Therefore, based on the teaching materials and learning conditions, I have designed the following four teaching objectives from the basic concept of "comprehensively improving students' Chinese literacy" in the curriculum standards:

1. Feel the poetry of Zhuangzi's life reflected in "You Hao Liang", and understand Zhuangzi's interests.

2. Accumulate commonly used classical Chinese words and enrich classical Chinese knowledge.

3. Understand Zhuangzi and his life and thoughts.

4. Understand the language characteristics of quotation argumentation.

In this article, because the form is a debate between the two, it is difficult to perceive the differences in thinking, character and temperament between Huizi and Zhuangzi, and to understand Zhuangzi's interests. Because the style is a quotation style, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the two stories and guide students to appreciate the artistic characteristics of Zhuangzi's fables.

4、 On teaching method and learning method

Teaching is based on reading aloud. In the teaching of classical Chinese, reading aloud is the most basic method and also the most basic task, so the breakthrough of key points mainly adopts the methods of reading aloud, questioning and discussion. On the breakthrough of difficulties, guide students to know people and discuss the world, combine the writer's experience and writing background to achieve, and use multimedia to assist teaching.

In terms of learning methods, the new curriculum standard proposes to "read classical Chinese, and be able to understand the basic content with the help of annotations and reference books." Therefore, the main methods of learning this article are independent reading, questioning and inquiry, which is conducive to improving students' ability to read classical Chinese.

Then I will focus on my teaching process, which is also my current Speak a lesson The core link.

5、 On the teaching process

The learning of classical Chinese must be implemented. This is an excellent quotation argumentation and a model for students to learn quotation argumentation. Therefore, the dialogue is adopted to implement it, and then help students to understand the theme and writing method of the article naturally.

(1) New lesson teaching, appreciation of articles

1. Import new courses

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of students and better acquire new knowledge. The teacher's introduction will introduce the pre Qin scholars in detail and appropriately, and lead to Zhuang Zi.

2. Background popularization

In order to make students deeply feel Zhuangzi, let students tell what they know about Zhuangzi. Then the teacher summarizes and supplements the relevant authors and works in order to stimulate the students' enthusiasm and learn the text with what they know.

3. Read the text and perceive it as a whole

Students read the text aloud with emotion and cooperate with each other to explore: what is the focus of the debate between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi? Understand its ideological content. After discussion, name and answer.

Next, the teacher asked several students to translate the original text, compare it with the translation on the multimedia, find out the mistakes, and think about the reasons for the mistakes. Then the teacher summarized the meaning and usage of the important words, and then read the text according to the characters (or listen to the models). The teacher made the students clear the context of the article according to the blackboard prompts, and the teacher reproduced the people, things, and scenes in the text, It fully mobilizes the students' visual sense, promotes the memory of the text content, and accelerates the breakthrough of teaching focus.

(2) Breakthrough of difficulties and in-depth understanding

Let the students think and answer: What is the focus of the debate between Zhuang Zi and Huizi? The purpose is to let students understand the works in depth and feel the character character. After the students answered, the teacher summarized that the focus of the debate between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi was the perspective of understanding things. Huizi is argumentative and analytical. There is a cognitive attitude of searching for the root of things, focusing on the discussion of knowledge. Zhuangzi argued intelligently, valued appreciation, had an appreciative attitude towards the outside world, and exerted his subjective feelings on the outside world to produce empathy. If Huizi has the personality of a logician, then Zhuangzi has the style of an artist.

(3) Citation improvement

The purpose of presenting two fables to students is to let them understand the meaning of the two stories, learn the fables well, and experience the artistic characteristics of Zhuangzi. Huizi Xiangliang and Zhuangzi and Huizi Swim on Haoliang are displayed on the multimedia display, asking students to read and think about the following questions:

(1) What are the differences between Zhuangzi and Huizi in terms of ideology, personality and temperament?

(2) What are Chuang Tzu's interests reflected in the two stories?

Students think clearly:

(1) In "Huizi Xiangliang", Huizi is obsessed with profit, and is fickle and disinterested. He guesses Chuang Tzu with his own mind, but he doesn't know that Chuang Tzu is arrogant and conceited. He regards the nobility as a "rotten rat" and avoids it.

In Zhuangzi and Huizi Traveling in Haoliang, Huizi is argumentative and re analytical. There is a cognitive attitude of searching for the root of things, focusing on the discussion of knowledge. Zhuangzi argued intelligently, valued appreciation, had an appreciative attitude towards the outside world, and exerted his subjective feelings on the outside world to produce empathy. If Huizi has the personality of a logician, then Zhuangzi has the style of an artist.

(2) Chuang Tzu was broad-minded and looked upon honour, splendor and wealth as my shoes. He had an elegant taste of life. Zhuangzi despised fame and wealth, and the pursuit of happiness and freedom was the spiritual choice under the control of this thought.

Extension: Although Zhuangzi's thought has a negative and nihilistic aspect, its fundamental goal is to enable people's life and spirit to reach an absolute free and independent state that is not bound and ruled by external objects. For many years, Zhuangzi's thought has given great comfort to the soul that has experienced vicissitudes in troubled times, even in today's highly developed material civilization, it has its unique role.

(4) Extension

After reading the above two stories, students will savor carefully and appreciate the artistic features of Zhuangzi's prose?

Students can appreciate the beauty of the article and communicate with each other. Organize the team to display the results and make comments.

(5) Classroom summary

1. Complete the after class questions.

2. Extracurricular reading of Zhuangzi.

(6) Assignment

The curriculum standard clearly requires that "in teaching, we should strive to reflect the practicality and comprehensiveness of Chinese. We should attach importance to students' Chinese practice such as reading, writing, oral communication, collecting and processing information, advocate more reading and writing, change the mechanical, rough and tedious way of doing homework, and let students learn Chinese in Chinese practice and learn to learn." So the homework settings for this lesson are:

1. Complete the after class questions.

2. Extracurricular reading of Zhuangzi.

6、 On blackboard design

Good blackboard writing is like a miniature Teaching plan This blackboard writing tries to convey the teaching content to students comprehensively and concisely, which is clear and intuitive, easy for students to understand and remember, and clear the context of the article.

 Junior High School Chinese - Grade 8 Volume 2 - Lesson 21 - Lecture Script of Zhuangzi and Huizi Swimming on Haoliang

That's me Speak a lesson If there is anything wrong with all the contents of, please criticize and correct. Thanks again to all the judges and teachers. (Bow and clean the blackboard)

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(Editor in charge: Su Yile)


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