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Junior High School Chinese - Grade 8 Volume 2 - Lesson 21 - Teaching Design of Zhuangzi and Huizi Swimming on Haoliang

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Recruitment and Examination Website Author: Wang Suchen Time: 2024-01-24 14:17:39

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1、 Teaching objectives

1. Feel the poetry of Zhuangzi's life reflected in "You Hao Liang", and understand Zhuangzi's interests.

2. Accumulate commonly used classical Chinese words and enrich classical Chinese knowledge.

3. Understand Zhuangzi and his life and thoughts.

4. Understand the language characteristics of quotation argumentation.

2、 Key and difficult points in teaching

a key:

1 Understand the metaphor in "Huizi Xiangliang" and grasp the theme of the story.

2 Perceive the differences in thought, character and temperament between Huizi and Zhuangzi, and understand Zhuangzi's interests.


1. Understand the moral of the two stories.

2. Guide students to appreciate the artistic features of Zhuang Zi's fables.

3、 Teaching process

(1) New lesson import

The prose of the Pre Qin scholars, though mainly political essays, is also a wonderful flower and bud in the literary arts. "The Japanese language" is plain and simple, rich in philosophy; Mencius is forceful and forceful; Xun Zi's writing style is vigorous; Laozi is clear and profound; Mozi is simple; Zhuangzi is unbridled. Today, we appreciate the fragments of Zhuangzi's prose.

(2) Overall perception

1. Background popularization

Zhuangzi (about 369 BC to 286 BC), named Zhou, was a Mongolian in the Song Dynasty during the Warring States Period, a famous thinker and writer in ancient China, and one of the representative figures of the Taoist school. Zhuangzi lived in an era of extremely sharp social contradictions, and was once an official in the lacquer garden. He was dissatisfied with the reality and did not cooperate with the ruling class. Zhuangzi's influence on future generations was mainly Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi has high literary value. His writing is wanton and imaginative. Magnificent momentum. There are 33 chapters in Zhuangzi, including internal, external and miscellaneous chapters. The seven inner chapters were written by Zhuangzi, the fifteen outer chapters and the eleven miscellaneous chapters are generally considered to be the forgeries of his disciples and later scholars. Chuang Tzu's imagination is extremely rich. His language is easy to use, flexible and changeable, and he can make some subtle and unspeakable philosophies fascinating. Zhuangzi belongs to the southern group, the representative of Chu culture, among the scholars of the pre Qin period. The so-called "Zhuangzi's arrogance and arrogance" reflects their unique romantic spirit.

2. Read the text and explore deeply

(1) Students read the text in white and translate it with the help of text notes and reference books.

(2) Multimedia display text reference translation. Ask students to compare with their own translation, find out the mistakes and think about the reasons for the mistakes.

(3) The teacher summarizes the meaning and usage of important words.

Multimedia display:

Explain the dotted words in the following sentences.

① Huizi Xiangliang

② So Huizi was afraid and searched the middle school for three days and three nights

③ Not only Indus

④ If the son is not a fish, you can know the happiness of the fish

Students clearly:

① Phase: Nouns are used as verbs. Be prime minister.

② Country: national capital, capital city.

③ Stop: perch.

④ An: Interrogative pronouns, how.

(3) In depth study

1. What is the focus of the debate between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi?

Students think and make it clear that the focus of debate between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi is the perspective of understanding things. Huizi is argumentative and analytical. There is a cognitive attitude of searching for the root of things, focusing on the discussion of knowledge. Zhuangzi argued intelligently, valued appreciation, had an appreciative attitude towards the outside world, and exerted his subjective feelings on the outside world to produce empathy. If Huizi has the personality of a logician, then Zhuangzi has the style of an artist.

2. Improvement of citation

Understand the moral of the two stories, and deeply study and analyze Zhuangzi and Zhuangzi.

Multimedia display: ① Huizi Xiangliang; ② Zhuangzi and Huizi Travel on Haoliang

put questions to:

(1) What are the differences between Zhuangzi and Huizi in terms of ideology, personality and temperament?

The students discussed clearly: In Huizi Xiangliang, Huizi was obsessed with profit, and was fickle and disinterested. He guessed Chuang Tzu with his own mind, but did not know that Chuang Tzu was aloof and self-confident. He regarded the nobility as a "rotten rat" and avoided it.

In Zhuangzi and Huizi Traveling in Haoliang, Huizi is argumentative and re analytical. There is a cognitive attitude of searching for the root of things, focusing on the discussion of knowledge. Zhuangzi argued intelligently, valued appreciation, had an appreciative attitude towards the outside world, and exerted his subjective feelings on the outside world to produce empathy. If Huizi has the personality of a logician, then Zhuangzi has the style of an artist.

(2) What are Chuang Tzu's interests reflected in the two stories?

The students thought clearly: Chuang Tzu is broad-minded, and he regards honor, splendor, wealth and honour as my shoes. He has an elegant taste of life. The article "Autumn Water" advocates Zhuangzi's consistent thought that everything should be left to nature. Zhuangzi despised fame and wealth, and the pursuit of happiness and freedom was the spiritual choice under the control of this thought.

Extension: Although Zhuangzi's thought has a negative and nihilistic aspect, its fundamental goal is to enable people's life and spirit to reach an absolute free and independent state that is not bound and ruled by external objects. For many years, Zhuangzi's thought has given great comfort to the soul that has experienced vicissitudes in troubled times, even in today's highly developed material civilization, it has its unique role.

(4) Expand and extend

Through the above two stories, appreciate the artistic features of Zhuangzi's prose.

Students can appreciate the beauty of the article and communicate with each other, and show the results:

The story "Huizi Xiangliang" is very interesting. The plot is unexpected. Friends come to congratulate, not happy but suspicious; Do not hide and greet yourself when the search is imminent; Be filled with righteous indignation and answer calmly; Talk tactfully and hit the nail on the head. The characters are vivid. Huizi was obsessed with profit, and Chuang Tzu was upright and self-confident. The metaphor is ingenious and appropriate. The story of clever wrens and quails sharply criticized Huizi's meanness. The description is vivid and vivid. The owl protects the "rotten rat", which is ugly and makes people feel like seeing its shape and hearing its sound.

Zhuangzi and Huizi Travel in Haoliang is relaxed and poetic. One forceful argument, one skillful argument; One is true, the other is beautiful; One is rigid, one is detached; Let people smile and ponder for a long time after reading.

(5) Classroom summary

These two stories focus on the thought of Zhuangzi and the allegorical features of Zhuangzi's prose. They are vivid and thought-provoking, like sweet nectar or nectar, and make people never tire of making a hundred products. I hope you can read Chuang Tzu Autumn Water after class, fully understand Chuang Tzu, including his outlook on life, politics and society, and explore the difference between Chuang Tzu and Confucius and Mencius.

(6) Assignment

(1) Finish the after class questions.

(2) Extracurricular reading of Zhuangzi.

4、 Blackboard design

 Junior High School Chinese - Grade 8 Volume 2 - Lesson 21 - Teaching Design of Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi Swimming on Haoliang

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(Editor in charge: Su Yile)


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