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Instructions for Applicants in Yingkou District of Liaoning Province Ordinary High School Academic Qualification Examination in July 2024

Source: Yingkou Education Bureau Time: 2024-05-16 15:33:45

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In July 2024, the academic level qualification examination for ordinary high schools in Liaoning Province (hereinafter referred to as the academic level qualification examination) will be held from July 12 to July 14, 2024. In order to do a good job in registering for the academic level qualification examination in Yingkou City, the relevant matters are notified as follows:

1、 Enrollment object

The first grade students in our city's ordinary high schools must take the academic qualification examination; Students who have taken the provincial academic level exam and have failed in the exam can take the exam in the corresponding subjects; Students from other schools and relevant social personnel can sign up for the exam.

2、 Registration time

Online registration is adopted for the qualification examination. Candidates can fill in basic information online from May 20 to 26, 2024; The registration qualification review and identity verification information collection time is from May 20 to May 29, 2024.

3、 Examination subjects and time

The qualifying examination subjects include: Chinese (including ethnic languages and Chinese), mathematics, foreign languages (including English, Japan and Russia), ideology and politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology. The first year examinees of ordinary high schools can only apply for four examination subjects: history, geography, chemistry and biology.

4、 Registration method

The basic registration process is: the examinee fills in the basic information online

Registration qualification review and identity verification information collection

The municipal, county (city) and district recruitment offices will finally confirm the candidates' registration information.


1. Candidates fill in basic information online

Candidates log on to the "Liaoning Entrance Examination Window" (www.lnzsks. com), select the "Online Reporting Center", enter the "Online Registration System for Academic Qualification Examination of Liaoning Ordinary High School" or directly log on to to fill in the basic information; Candidates can also use their mobile phones to scan the QR code on the above two websites to download the "Liaoning Xuekao" APP and fill in the basic information.

For the first login, you must register first, and then log in to the registration system, fill in the basic information accurately, submit and save it.

The selection method of registration points for examinees of academic level examination in our city: the registration point for examinees of ordinary high schools in our city is the middle school where the examinees are registered, and the registration point for examinees who have not obtained the graduation certificate of ordinary high schools is the middle school where the students are registered; For the students enrolled in other schools (except ordinary high schools) at the senior high school stage in our city, if the school is set as the registration point, select the registration point of the school where the examinee's student status is located; if the school is not set with the registration point, select the enrollment office where the student status is located to register; Other candidates shall choose the enrollment office of the city, county (city) and district where their household registration is located.

2. Registration qualification review and identity verification information collection

Registration qualification review and identity verification information collection are completed by on-site confirmation. Candidates must go to the designated registration point for registration qualification review and identity verification information collection within the specified time.

(1) Application qualification review. Candidates with ordinary high school student status must submit their resident identity documents and ordinary high school student status certificates (the registration time of student status must be indicated); Other personnel shall submit relevant certification materials such as resident identity documents, household register and final academic certificate for examination.

(2) Authentication information collection. Collect the cheek characteristics of the candidates on the spot, and verify their basic registration information through their ID cards. The identity verification information can only be collected if the gender, nationality and ID card information in the basic information filled in by the examinee online are consistent. To collect cheek features is to collect examinee photos (the background must be blue).

3. Registration confirmation

The municipal, county (city) and district recruitment offices will finally confirm the candidates' registration information according to the basic information, registration qualification review, identity verification information collection and other conditions of the candidates, and only the candidates who have been finally confirmed can complete the registration.

The municipal, county (city) and district recruitment and examination offices are responsible for organizing and implementing the collation and verification of registration data, and downloading and printing the Registration Form of Candidates for the 2024 Liaoning Ordinary High School Academic Qualification Examination by using the online registration system management terminal to submit it to the examinees for verification and signature for confirmation.

Candidates must sign and write the Letter of Commitment for Honesty Examination of Candidates for the 2024 Ordinary High School Academic Qualification Examination in Liaoning Province.

5、 Other matters

1. Special reminder: If the examinee fails to complete the online basic information, registration qualification review and identity verification information collection on time, it will be deemed as giving up the examination registration.

2. All kinds of violations committed by examinees, staff and other social personnel in the registration of academic level qualification examination shall be handled in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination (Order No. 33 of the Ministry of Education).

6、 Registration process

See attachment

7、 Address and consultation telephone number of enrollment offices in Yingkou and all counties (cities) and districts:

1. Yingkou City and the old border area

Registration point: Yingkou Enrollment and Examination Committee Office

Address: No.53, Jinniushan Street West, West District, Yingkou City

Tel: 2698023 (Enrollment and Examination Department)

2. Bayuquan District

Registration point: Office of Admission and Examination Committee of Bayuquan District

Address: Room 919, Citizen Service Center, Bayuquan District

Tel: 6259463

3. Gaizhou City

Registration point: Gaizhou Admissions and Examination Commission Office

Address: Room 603, the sixth floor west of Gaizhou Municipal Government

Tel: 7689119

4. Dashiqiao City

Registration point: Office of Dashiqiao Admission and Examination Committee

Address: Room 207, Dashiqiao Education Bureau

Tel: 5613968

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Examination time

Registration process

Yingkou Enrollment and Examination Committee Office

May 15, 2024

Original title: Instructions for Applicants in Yingkou District of Liaoning Province Ordinary High School Academic Qualification Examination in July 2024

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(Editor in charge: jz2)


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This column provides you with the registration instructions for students in Yingkou District of Liaoning Province in July 2024. Please pay attention to the registration instructions for students in Yingkou District of Liaoning Province in July 2024