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Primary School Information Technology "Add Shadow to Graphics" Defense

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Recruitment and Examination Website Time: 2024-01-23 15:58:01

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  •  24 year teacher recruitment examination course

1. Can the drawing software make circles, squares and straight lines when drawing?

[Reference answer]


Draw a perfect circle: select the ellipse tool, hold down the Shift key at the appropriate position while holding down the left mouse button and drag.

Draw a square: select the rectangle tool, hold down the Shift key and the left mouse button at the appropriate position to drag.

Draw a line: Select the line tool, and press Shift and the left mouse button at the same time to drag at the appropriate position.

2. Briefly describe the characteristics of the graphics drawn by the drawing software.

[Reference answer]

The graphics drawn in the drawing software are bitmaps. Bitmaps have the following characteristics:

(1) Bitmaps are also called dot matrix graphs and pixel graphs. They are graphs composed of pixels. Pixels are the smallest units that describe images.

(2) It is suitable for representing natural scenery, such as photos or complex images. The graphics will be distorted after being reduced and enlarged.

(3) Bitmaps occupy a larger storage space than vector images.

3. What are the main functions of the drawing software?

[Reference answer]

(1) Draw free lines, straight lines, curves, and various shapes, including rectangles, ellipses, stars, triangles, etc.

(2) It can fill color, foreground color and background color.

(3) Can select, copy, move, change size, shape and other operations.

In addition, the drawing software can also adjust the size of the picture, set the color, add text and other operations.

4. What is the import method used and what are the benefits of this setting?

[Reference answer]

I use the introduction method of creating a situation, and use multimedia to display several pictures containing shadows, such as the reflection in the water of small tree houses, the shadow of trees in the park under the sun in different periods of time, etc. While students observe, they ask the common points in the pictures and whether they can use drawing software to create pictures containing shadows, and introduce new lessons.

Through the introduction of creating situations, students can intuitively show different forms of the shadow of small trees, and establish the preliminary impression of the task of this lesson; At the same time, we will use the form of questioning to stimulate their enthusiasm for learning and pave the way for the teaching of new lessons.

5. How is consolidation and improvement set for this lesson and what is its purpose?

[Reference answer]

In the consolidation and improvement part of this lesson, I carried out the "Shadow Chasing the Sun" innovation competition. Students made the shadow of the bear according to the direction of the sun in the existing pictures.

Through the form of students' independent hands-on operation, students' mastery of the learning content of this lesson can be tested, and students' discovery and flexible application of common sense of life can be stimulated.

6. Some students in the class will not adjust the direction when setting shadows in different sun directions, so they give up the operation on their own. What will you do about it?

[Reference answer]


The phenomenon that students give up operation in class will inevitably affect their learning of this skill. Therefore, as a teacher, I will actively guide students to help them master this operation method.


On the one hand, students are in the process of development and do have some cognitive errors in the process of learning; On the other hand, the students themselves may not be interested in the shadow settings because they do not follow my lecture rhythm. Whatever the reason, I will actively guide students back to the classroom.


First of all, I will give examples according to the shadow of the biology itself when the sun appears in the morning, noon and evening in daily life, and use pictures to visually display for students. At the same time, I will also assign a study group to let students cooperate with each other, and use the experimental equipment I have prepared (such as flashlights, sticks, etc.) to carry out experiments, First, make clear the difference in the form of the shadow of things at different times, guide students to follow my teaching ideas, and then I will teach according to the normal rhythm.

Secondly, after the course is over, I will invite some students to the office to talk and ask them why they gave up the operation. If it is my teaching method, I will actively improve it later; If the students themselves are not interested in this part of knowledge, I will give them psychological counseling.

Finally, I will reflect on the problems occurred this time after class, such as whether the teaching method is appropriate, and try to avoid similar situations next time. I should also properly communicate with students before the course, pay attention to each student as much as possible in the course, and understand their views on learning.

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(Editor in charge: zgjsks_sjj)


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