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Examination questions of educational theory of special post teacher recruitment over the years

Source: Zhonggong Special Post Teachers Examination Network Author: Yang Jia Time: 2023-12-28 17:42:14

For everyone to better prepare for the exam Special post teacher Recruitment, Special post teacher The types of questions in the public volume are judgment, single choice, short answer, discussion and case analysis, Secondary public education The editor of Special post teacher I hope that the recruitment examination questions over the years will be helpful to the little friends who are still confused.

1、 Judgmental question

1. Education is school education. ( )

1. [Answer] ×. Explanation: This question examines the definition of education.

Broadly speaking, education refers to all activities that improve people's knowledge and skills, develop people's intelligence and physical strength, and affect people's thoughts and morality. It includes social education, school education and family education.

Education in a narrow sense refers to school education, which is the activity of educators to influence the educated in a purposeful, planned and organized way according to certain social requirements, so as to cultivate them into people needed by a certain society.

Therefore, education can be divided into broad education and narrow education. The narrow education refers to school education, but the statement that "education is school education" is wrong.

2. The Book of Rites, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean and The Analects of Confucius are called four books. ( )

2. [Answer] ×. Analysis: This question examines the contents of the Four Books and the Five Classics. The four books include Mencius, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Great Learning. The five classics include Poetry, Book, Rites, Changes, and Spring and Autumn Annals. Therefore, Li belongs to the category of Five Classics. So this question is wrong.

3. In China, the word "education" was first found in Shuowen Jiezi by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty. ( )

3. [Answer] ×. Explanation: This question examines the etymology of "education".

In our country, the word "education" was first found in Mencius · Dedication. Mencius said, "A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king does not live with the world. If both parents live, and the brother has no reason, he has one joy; if he looks up to the sky and does not look down on people, he has two pleasures; if he gains the talents of the world and educates them, he has three pleasures."

Xu Shen's Shuowenjiezi is the first time to explain "education". The book says, "Teaching is what the superior does and what the inferior does; nurturing is what fosters children to do good."

To sum up, "education" was first seen in Mencius · Dedication, and the title stem is wrong.

4. Education is a social activity to cultivate people. The value and function of education are mainly realized through the development of the educated. ( )

4. [Answer] √. Analysis: This question examines the nature of education. Education is a social activity aimed at cultivating people. Education in a narrow sense refers to school education, which is an activity that educators, according to certain social requirements and the laws of physical and mental development of the educated, purposefully, systematically and systematically exert influence on the educated to promote their development and change in the desired direction. Therefore, the value and function of education are mainly realized through the development of the educated. Therefore, this question is correct.

5. In Plato's view, the purpose of education is to cultivate people with all-round development. ( )

[Answer] ×. Analysis: this question is examined education Plato, one of the three ancient Greek philosophers, was the representative of foreign countries in the embryonic stage. Plato believed that the purpose of education was to "realize the turning of the soul". Aristotle advocated the education of harmonious and all-round development of students and the cultivation of all-round development of people. So this statement is wrong.

2、 Single choice question

1. The biggest difference between ancient education and primitive education is the emergence of ancient schools. One of the incorrect statements about ancient school education is ().

A. Ancient school education has a distinct class nature

B. The core of ancient school education is productive labor

C. Politics is the essential feature of ancient school education

D. In ancient times, school education advocated the idea of "learning to become an official"

1. [Answer] B. Analysis: This question examines the basic characteristics of ancient school education.

The basic characteristics of ancient school education include:

(1) School came into being in ancient times, and education became a special function of society. Education is the tool of the ruling class.

(2) In ancient times, school education was separated from productive labor and was non productive.

(3) The ancient school education adapted to the development of ancient economy and politics, and had class nature; Schools in feudal society were also hierarchical.

(4) The ancient school education adapted to the development of ancient ideology and culture, and showed its orthodoxy, autocracy, rigidity and symbolism.

In the stem of the question, the description and selection of one item that does not conform to the characteristics of ancient education, ACD all conform, and item B does not, so this question is selected B.

2. Teacher Zhao of a middle school used reasonable and scientific methods to correct students' wrong cognition and behavior in time in their daily educational activities, so that they can obtain good cognition and development. This case shows ().

A. Students are passive objects in educational activities

B. Teachers have complete control over educational activities

C. Give full play to the leading role of teachers in educational activities

D. The main position of students in educational activities is not reflected

2. [Answer] C. Analysis: This question examines the elements of educational activities and their status. Educational activities include educators, educatees and educational influences. Educators are the link between the influence of education and the educated; The educatee is the object that the educator chooses and exerts educational influence; Educational influence is the bridge between the educator and the educatee, and the intermediary between the educator and the educatee.

In the question stem, Mr. Zhao used reasonable and scientific methods to correct students' mistakes, promote students' development, and reflect the teacher's leading role, so this question chose option C.

3. If Liu's parents say that they are busy at work and have no time to educate and care for their children, they don't know how to change Liu's rebellious psychology and behavior at all, the suggestions you will provide to Liu's parents do not include ().

A. Take more time to communicate with Liu, so that Liu can really feel love

B. Timely encourage Liu when he finds his good behavior

C. Guide learning and help Liu solve difficulties in learning

D. Compulsory check the completion of Liu's daily work

3. [Answer] D. Analysis: This question is a strategic multiple choice question. Select the best option that meets various theories.

Option A, the practice of "taking more time to communicate with Liu so that Liu can really feel love" can increase parents' understanding of their children and enhance parent-child relationship.

Option B, "Give encouragement in time when finding good behavior of Mr. Liu", the positive reinforcement effect of which can strengthen students' behavior in time and help to change bad behavior.

Option C, the practice of "guiding learning and helping Liu solve difficulties in learning" can help parents understand students' difficulties in learning and improve the understanding between Liu and his parents.

Option D, "Compulsory inspection homework" has no obvious positive effect on the education of Liu, which tends to aggravate his rebellious psychology.

The question stem requires finding out inappropriate suggestions and avoiding compulsory education in the process of education, so compulsory examination of homework in option D is not advisable.

The examination of such strategic choices is flexible, and it is necessary to master the concept classification and understand the behaviors that can distinguish right from wrong.

4. There are 50 students in a class, and the teacher has designed unique Teaching plan , which is in line with the development of world education ().

A. Low age education B. Education for all C. Democratization of education D. Personalization of education

4. [Answer] D. Analysis: This question examines the characteristics of education after the 20th century. The characteristics of education after the 20th century include lifelong education, nationwide education, democratization, pluralism and modernization.

In the question stem, teachers set it according to different personalities of students Teaching plan It reflects that teachers pay attention to students' personality development. Therefore, the answer to this question is D.

5. () is the first life world of children and has an important impact on the shaping of children's character.

A. Family life B. School life C. Peer group life D. Social and cultural life

5. [Answer] A. Analysis: This question examines the characteristics of family education. Family life is a social life based on marriage and linked by blood or adoption. Compared with school life, it is a special and individualized life with kinship authority and deep feelings, which is based on the blood relationship or adoption relationship between parents and children. Family life is a child's first life world. So the answer to this question is A.

3、 Simple question

1. Briefly describe the cultural function of education.

[Reference answer]

Education promotes cultural development:

(1) Education has the function of screening, sorting, transmitting and preserving culture;

(2) Education has the function of spreading and exchanging culture;

(3) Education has the function of selecting and promoting culture;

(4) Education has the function of updating and creating culture.

2. Briefly describe the development process of teacher burnout.

[Reference answer]

Biyukaig regards job burnout as the process outcome of an activity. As far as its natural trend is concerned, it is inevitable, but it can also be intervened. Therefore, he put forward the "four stages theory" of the development of job burnout.

① Enthusiastic period

This period is characterized by high hopes and unrealistic hopes. Teachers who have just started teaching often show great ambition, dedication and indefatigability.

② Stagnant period

This period is characterized by being able to work, but paying more attention to personal needs. Teachers began to feel the lack of efficiency, anxiety and decreased job satisfaction, and felt that it was increasingly difficult to achieve the goals set at the beginning. When a person tries to make more efforts instead of adjusting unrealistic expectations, job burnout really begins.

③ Setback period

This period is characterized by feeling incompetent, dissatisfied with others, and often experiencing emotional, physical and behavioral problems. At this stage, teachers will suffer from the ubiquitous chronic pathological symptoms. The original choice began to waver, and the work efficiency fell to an unbelievable low point, doubting whether he had run out of ideas. In the spirit of decadent state of mind, they may seek anesthesia and relief through substance abuse or emotional indulgence.

④ Apathy period

This period is characterized by requiring less work and avoiding challenges. Teachers will completely abandon or even mock their original pursuit of the ideal goal, and live in a state of mindlessness and irresponsibility. So far, the exhaustion of individuals has reached the minimum, and physical and mental health has been seriously damaged.

(Editor in charge: Zhang Dan)


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