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Collection of Hot English Compositions 5

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Recruitment and Examination Website Time: 2023-11-03 14:42:28

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 Collection of Hot English Compositions 5
 Collection of Hot English Compositions 5

? Fan Wen?

Should UAV be widely used?

Life has undergone enormous changes due to the advent of advanced science and technology. UAV, or we say unmanned aerial vehicle, is one of them.

Obviously, UAV benefits us a lot. Firstly, it can be used in the field of ecology. As we know, a large unmanned aerial vehicle recently made a successful flight for generating artificial precipitation in Gansu province. Besides, in the past, we could only let off fireworks to celebrate, which was harmful to the environment. But now drone performances are often seen everywhere instead of fireworks.

However, every coin has two sides. UAV is no exception. Once a UAV hit a train when it intended to take photos of the incredible scenes of spring in Chongqing. In addition, despite the convenience it brings when it takes photos, sometimes UAV also invade the privacy of others unintentionally.

There, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that technology entered brings us some convention. But we should use it properly. (162 words)

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(Editor in charge: Li Haiying)


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