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Recognition conditions of teacher qualification certificate

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Time: 2023-05-31 14:51:18

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two thousand and twenty-three Teacher Certificate What are the identification conditions? Teacher Certificate It needs to be carried out after passing the written examination and interview Teacher Certificate Affirmation, Teacher Certificate You can get it after passing the confirmation Teacher Certificate Has. Many examinees don't know Teacher Certificate What conditions need to be met for identification? Today, the editor sorted them out for you, hoping to help you. The specific conditions are subject to the local identification announcement.

The following conditions are required to apply for recognition of teacher qualifications:

1. Academic qualifications

Should have《 Teacher law 》And the corresponding qualifications specified in the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Pilot Reform of the Qualification Examination for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens. Click to enter quickly >> Entrance to the accreditation of teachers' qualification certificate in 2023

2. Examination conditions

They shall pass the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination, pass the written examination and interview, and obtain the Qualification Certificate of Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination, which is within the validity period.

3. Mandarin Conditions

The Putonghua level test shall reach the standard of Grade II Grade B and above, and obtain the corresponding certificate (the Putonghua level of the applied language discipline shall be Grade II Grade A and above).

4. Physical conditions

Have good physical and psychological quality, and can meet the needs of education and teaching. No infectious disease, no history of mental illness, and Teacher qualification The hospital designated by the institution is qualified in physical examination.

5. Ideological and moral conditions

Abide by the Constitution and laws, love education, and have good professional ethics , can perform《 Teacher law 》Specified obligations. If a teacher's qualification is revoked, he shall not reapply for recognition of teacher's qualification within five years from the date of revocation; Those who have been deprived of their political rights or who have been subjected to a criminal punishment of not less than fixed-term imprisonment for intentional crimes cannot apply for recognition of teachers' qualifications.

6. Other recognition conditions required by the local examination announcement.

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(Editor in charge: zgjsks_sjj)


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