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Analysis on the Comprehensive Quality of Teachers' Qualification Examination in 2023

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Author: Zhu Jiayu Time: 2023-04-07 11:55:51

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I believe you are preparing for the exam in 2023 Teacher certificate ,《 Comprehensive quality 》As Teacher certificate The subjects in the exam are a must pass. Today we will learn about them together Teacher certificate In the exam Comprehensive quality How to prepare for the test before the test? Try your best to help everyone achieve the best results in the shortest time.

1、 Examination analysis

Comprehensive quality 》The total score is 150, and the exam time is 120 minutes. It involves 29 single choice questions, 3 material analysis questions and 1 writing question, with scores of 58, 42 and 50 respectively. The examination sites involved mainly include professional concepts professional ethics Education laws and regulations, cultural literacy and basic ability.

Content module Single choice question Material question writing total
Career philosophy 4 questions × 2 points 1 question × 14 points   22 points
laws and regulations 8 questions × 2 points     16 points
professional ethics 4 questions × 2 points 1 question × 14 points   22 points
Cultural literacy 9 questions × 2 points     18 points
Basic ability 4 questions × 2 points 1 question × 14 points 1 question × 50 points 72 points
total 58 points 42 points 50 points 150 points

2、 Test preparation guidance

According to the distribution analysis of each part of the examination sites in the "examination situation analysis", we can find that the professional concept professional ethics And basic abilities are the three modules that account for a large proportion of scores. And career philosophy and professional ethics The types of questions involved are basically the same, so this time we will give targeted guidance to the contents of these two parts, hoping to help you.

First, let's take a look at the main contents of these two parts:

 Analysis on the Comprehensive Quality of Teachers' Qualification Examination in 2023  Analysis on the Comprehensive Quality of Teachers' Qualification Examination in 2023

Through the analysis of the above figure, it is not difficult to find that the knowledge points are relatively orderly and the test method is relatively fixed, which requires both the examinees to understand and the examinees to remember. For example, for single choice questions, most of the questions are about people's understanding of this part of knowledge, which requires people to have the concept of quality education; As for the case analysis question, we need to understand the concept of quality education and remember relevant theories at the same time. Let's take the following topic as an example to feel the examination method of this part and how to prepare for the examination.

[Example 1] Single choice question

In the following statements about quality education, the incorrect one is ().

A. Quality Education Should Pay More Attention to Moral Education

B. Quality education is mainly applicable to basic education

C. Quality education should follow the educational law

D. Quality education does not require average development of students

[Analysis] B. Analysis: This question examines the knowledge related to quality education. Quality education is a kind of educational thought or concept, rather than an educational model opposite to some kind of education. It applies not only to basic education, but also to higher education, social education and lifelong education. So select option B.

A. D option, quality education is to promote the all-round development of students, rather than blindly pursuing average development; In the process of quality education, we should not only focus on intellectual education, but also attach importance to moral education, which must be put in the first place. Option C, the educational law is an inherent and inevitable essential link between various factors within education and between education and other things, which is not transferred by human will and must be followed in the process of education. As a form of education, quality education is no exception.

All ACD statements are correct, so select option B.

[Example 2] Case analysis question

The following is Mr. Liu's exchange speech at the class teacher's work meeting.

There is a little boy in my class, Xiao An, who is a headache to all teachers. He often makes small movements in class and sometimes says a few "witticisms", which makes the whole class laugh; His homework is scrawled and vigorous. After observation, I found that although Xiao An is mischievous, he especially likes painting. I often exchange painting experience with him and encourage him to participate in the school painting competition. One day, Xiao An whispered in my ear: "I am a bad boy with poor grades and disobedience. My teacher often criticizes me and my classmates laugh at me." After hearing what Xiao An said, I felt nervous. Xiao An lost confidence in himself because of the negative comments he was constantly receiving, so he broke the can and broke the fall. After finding the crux, I will suit the remedy to the case. Once, during class practice, I pointed to his exercise book and said, "Look, it's so messy. How ugly! Do you want to write well? Teacher, I want to write well, but I can't write well!" I then said, "How do you know if you didn't do it? Try it, OK?" He nodded and wrote a word in his exercise book conscientiously, although it was out of the box, But it has made greater progress than before. I lost no time to say: "How well I write, would it be more beautiful if I could write smaller characters?" I saw that he wrote carefully every stroke. When he handed in his homework, I wrote an "excellent" on his notebook and covered it with a bright "small red flower". Gradually, Xiao An became more confident, wrote better and better, studied more actively, improved his academic performance, and won the second prize in the school painting competition.

Please combine the materials and analyze teacher Liu's educational behavior from the perspective of educational outlook.

[Analysis] This question examines the concept of education.

Reference answer:

Teacher Liu's practice in the materials is in line with the requirements of quality education and teaching concept in the new era of education, which is worthy of our learning and reference.

First of all, quality education is education for all students. Quality education does not only focus on some people, but also on the development of a few people. In the materials, Mr. Liu did not abandon Xiao'an because he was naughty, but paid special attention to him and helped Xiao'an make progress, reflecting the requirement that quality education should be geared to all students.

Secondly, quality education is to promote the all-round development of students. The implementation of quality education is to realize the comprehensive development of students' moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects through the organic combination of moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education. In the materials, Mr. Liu not only helped Xiao An improve his painting (aesthetic education), but also helped Xiao An improve his academic performance through his own efforts. His learning attitude also improved significantly, reflecting the requirements of quality education to promote the all-round development of students. Thirdly, quality education promotes the development of students' personality. Everyone has many differences in innate endowment, environmental impact, internalization process of receiving education, etc., so teachers are required to carry out differentiated education for students and allow students to develop their talents. In the materials, Mr. Liu did not deny Xiao An's painting hobby, often exchanged his painting experience with Xiao An, and encouraged Xiao An to participate in painting competitions, which reflected the requirements of quality education to promote the development of students' personality. Finally, the teaching concept of the new era requires that teaching should shift from "focusing on subjects" to "focusing on people". That is, pay attention to every student, their emotional life and emotional experience, and their moral life and personality development. In the materials, Mr. Liu did not give a negative evaluation of Xiao An, and did not satirize him. Instead, he continued to guide and help, reflecting the requirement of "paying attention to people".

In short, as people's teachers in the new era, we should practice quality education, learn the basic ideas of the new curriculum reform, and ensure the correctness of our educational ideas.

Then we should also pay attention to certain norms when answering the case analysis questions. Usually, we will answer the questions in the way of "total score total".

General: First of all, make some comments on the teacher's behavior in the case, and affirm or deny their educational behavior.

Points: To prove your own point of view, first state the theoretical part, then explain the theory accordingly, and finally further explain it with specific examples in the material.

General: Summarize the education and teaching behavior of a teacher.

3、 Summary

The proportion of knowledge points listed in the "preparing for examination" link is clear to everyone professional ethics Nearly one third of the scores can not be underestimated, but at the same time, as long as the examinees are willing to work hard, they can hardly lose points. Of course, in order to facilitate our own memory, we can also compile some pithy formula or collect some related pithy formula to help us remember.

The above is our understanding of Comprehensive quality This part of the analysis of the proposition law, hoping to help everyone focus on the smooth preparation for the exam, to realize their dream of teachers.

(Editor in charge: Zhang Dan)


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