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The Examination Site of Teacher's Qualification Certificate: Classification of Imagination

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Author: Zong Yuanyuan Time: 2023-02-19 17:54:39

 The whole course of the written examination of teaching materials in 2024

1、 A Testimonial Prophet

The psychological knowledge points belong to the regular test points in the middle school teaching material examination. The classification of imagination is the knowledge points that often appear in the examination, mainly examining single choice questions and discrimination questions. In the teaching resources examination, the examinee needs to correctly remember the definition and understanding of imagination. Now we will sort out and summarize the knowledge points related to imagination to help the examinee correctly do the test.

2、 Examination site sorting

(1) Imagination Theory

1. The concept of imagination

Imagination is a psychological process in which the human brain processes and transforms the stored image to form a new image.

For example, when people listen to the radio and read novels, they generate various scenes and characters in their minds; Film and television personnel create the image of contemporary reformers based on their life experience.

2. Classification of emotions

Imagination can be divided into unintentional imagination and intentional imagination according to whether the imaginative activities are purposeful.

1. Unintentional imagination

Unintentional imagination, also known as involuntary imagination, is an imagination that occurs unconsciously without a predetermined purpose. It is the process of people's involuntary imagination of something under the effect of some stimulus when their consciousness is weakened. For example, when people see the floating clouds in the sky, they can imagine the images of various animals; Dreams people have while sleeping; Hallucinations in the mind of a mentally ill person; Hallucinations caused by drugs, such as smoking marijuana and LSD, are unintentional imagination.

2. Intentional imagination

Intentional imagination is the imagination carried out consciously according to a certain purpose. According to the content, novelty and formation mode of imagination, it can be divided into reconstruction imagination, creation imagination and fantasy.

(1) Rebuild imagination

Reconstructing imagination is the process of forming corresponding new images in the human brain according to the description of words or the indication of patterns. For example, construction workers imagine the image of the building according to the architectural blueprint; People who have not experienced the northern winter can form the northern scenery in their minds by reading Mao Zedong's poem "Qinyuan Spring · Snow"; Low level of creativity.

(2) Create imagination

Creative imagination is the process of creating new images independently in the human brain according to certain purposes and tasks in creative activities. For example, the "Ah Q" image created by Lu Xun and the poem "Qinyuan Spring · Snow" created by Mao Zedong are all the products of creative imagination. Creative imagination is characterized by originality, independence and novelty.

(3) Fantasy

Fantasy is an imagination that points to the future and is connected with personal wishes. It is a special form of creating imagination. Fantasy is not immediately reflected in people's actual life, but has the nature of yearning. It is something people place on. For example, the images in various myths and fairy tales belong to fantasy.

Tables are more intuitive:

Examples of classification keywords

Unintentional imagination (not random imagination) aimless daydream, looking at white clouds and imagining a dog

Intentional Imagination Recreate the description or pattern of imagination Language Read novels

Create Imagination Create New Image The new machine invented by engineers, Sister Xiang Lin in Lu Xun's articles

Fantasy points to the future and becomes Gao Fu Shuai

3、 A quick trial

1. [Single choice] When Wei Hua sees the clouds in the sky, he comes up with images of animals such as "steeds" and "dinosaurs". This phenomenon belongs to ().

A. Intentional Imagination B. Unintentional Imagination C. Rebuilding Imagination D. Creating Imagination

1. [Answer] B. Analyze this question and examine the classification of images. Imagination is a psychological process in which the human brain processes and transforms the stored image to form a new image. According to whether the imagination activity is purposeful, it can be divided into unintentional imagination and intentional imagination.

Option A: Intentional imagination is the imagination carried out consciously on a certain day. According to the content, novelty and formation mode of imagination, it can be divided into reconstruction imagination, creation imagination and fantasy.

Option B, unintentional imagination, also known as involuntary imagination, is an imagination that occurs unconsciously without a predetermined purpose. It is the process of people's involuntary imagination of something under the effect of some stimulus when their consciousness is weakened.

Option C: Reconstruction imagination is the process of forming a corresponding new image in the human brain according to the description of words or the indication of patterns.

D option, creative imagination is the process of creating a new image independently in the human brain according to a certain purpose and task in creative activities.

In the title, Weihua's imagination has no predetermined purpose, and it is an imagination that is unconsciously and involuntarily generated, which belongs to unintentional imagination. So select B for this question.

2. [Single choice] When Xiao Ming learns to be a teacher, the image of Zhuge Liang appears in his mind. This phenomenon belongs to ().

A. Intentional Imagination B. Unintentional Imagination C. Rebuilding Imagination D. Creating Imagination

2. [Answer] C. Analyze this question and examine the classification of images. Imagination is a psychological process in which the human brain processes and transforms the stored image to form a new image. According to whether the imagination activity is purposeful, it can be divided into unintentional imagination and intentional imagination.

Option A: Intentional imagination is the imagination carried out consciously on a certain day. According to the content, novelty and formation mode of imagination, it can be divided into reconstruction imagination, creation imagination and fantasy.

Option B, unintentional imagination, also known as involuntary imagination, is an imagination that occurs unconsciously without a predetermined purpose. It is the process of people's involuntary imagination of something under the effect of some stimulus when their consciousness is weakened.

Option C: Reconstruction imagination is the process of forming a corresponding new image in the human brain according to the description of words or the indication of patterns.

D option, creative imagination is the process of creating a new image independently in the human brain according to a certain purpose and task in creative activities.

In the title stem, Xiao Ming forms a corresponding new image in the human brain according to the verbal description or schematic. It belongs to the reconstruction imagination. So select B for this question.

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(Editor in charge: zgjsks_sjj)


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