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Structured - interpersonal relationship

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Author: Zhou Yujia Time: 2023-02-23 17:02:15

 The whole course of the written examination of teaching materials in 2024

Structured - interpersonal relationship

1、 Overview of examination sites

Interpersonal relationship refers to establishing and maintaining relationships with others and groups. In work, these relationships are purposeful and related to the work of the unit, including communication with others, and obedience, cooperation, coordination, guidance and supervision activities in the organization. The interpersonal problems can be divided into three categories according to different objects: teachers and teachers, teachers and school administrators, teachers and parents.

2、 Examination elements

(1) Initiative

Initiative is the behavioral quality that individuals act in accordance with their own goals and objectives, without relying on external forces. Kindergarten teachers should actively take responsibility, communicate and resolve conflicts, and not be passive in waiting.

(2) Communication

Communication is for the purpose of a goal, which is to transmit information, thoughts and feelings between individuals or groups. Kindergarten teachers should be diligent and good at communication., Achieve interpersonal harmony, work coordination and consistent goals in work.

(3) Adaptability

Adaptability refers to the psychological and behavioral changes caused by the harmonious relationship between individuals, interpersonal relationships and the working environment. While actively adapting to the working environment, preschool teachers should still play a subjective role, have personal opinions and adhere to principles.

(4) Compliance

Preschool teachers should obey the decisions made by the state and the superior leaders according to law. In consciousness, there should be a sense of power and obedience; In terms of actions, we should actively implement them and ask for instructions and reports.

(5) Principle

Principle means that kindergarten teachers should abide by the national laws and regulations, the rules and regulations of the unit, the norms in work and the basic principles of being a person and doing things.

(6) Flexibility

Flexibility The method of dealing with problems is flexible and flexible, so that specific problems can be analyzed specifically according to different people.

3、 Test question characteristics

1. The subject of contradiction is diverse. Including teachers and leaders, teachers and colleagues, teachers and parents.

2. The content of the contradiction is complex. Most of the contradictions with the leaders are criticized by the leaders and unsatisfied with the work; The conflicts with colleagues are mainly due to the lack of cooperation, mistakes in work, and complaints; Most of the contradictions with parents are inadequate communication, parents' incomprehension, teachers' negligence, etc.

4、 Answering ideas

1. Examining questions: identify the core contradiction and grasp the key words

2. Framework: Clarify processing steps and answer questions step by step

3. Content: rich communication content, sincere and feasible language

[Answer for reference]

1. Say your opinion - say your opinion on the central contradiction

2. Solve each key contradiction in turn (key points and detailed answers)

3. Enlightenment, summary or prospect

5、 Example analysis

You are a newly graduated college student. You are enthusiastic about preschool education and have ideas. When participating in teaching seminars, the ideas you put forward are always not adopted by the principal, and you feel very distressed every time. What do you do about it?


1. What is the core contradiction in the question stem?

Analysis: interpersonal relationship between teachers and leaders

2. What are the reasons for the contradiction?


Reason 1: New teachers are eager to express themselves due to inaccurate self positioning.

Reason 2: The expression of ideas was not clear, and the director did not understand.

Reason 3: The understanding of the kindergarten is not enough, and the ideas put forward do not conform to the teaching practice of the kindergarten.

Reason 4: There is no specific and feasible implementation plan for the proposed ideas.

3. What measures are taken to solve the problem?

Solution 1: Don't rush for success.

Solution 2: improve communication skills.

Solution 3: The idea is targeted.

Solution 4: refine the teaching plan.

[Key points of the answer]

As a newly graduated college student, it is necessary to maintain enthusiasm and ideas in work. However, we should also face up to our own shortcomings, adjust and adapt as soon as possible, so as to work better and give full play to our own value.

On the one hand, my ideas are always not adopted because: first, I do not clearly define myself. As a new teacher, I do not realize my lack of ability and want to express myself too much. Second, it may be that the language expression is not accurate enough, which leads to poor communication and unclear expression of opinions. Third, the proposed ideas do not conform to the reality of kindergarten teaching, lack of pertinence, and have poor teaching effect. Fourth, the operability of the idea is poor, and there is a lack of specific plans.

In order to be able to put forward ideas and improve my ability, I will do this: first, we should define our own position, always reflect on ourselves, and maintain a modest attitude. Second, we should improve our communication ability and learn the skills and precautions of speaking. Third, increase the understanding of children in kindergartens and classes, and put forward more targeted teaching ideas. Fourth, learn from old teachers in a timely manner and refine their own plans to make them more operational.

Therefore, as a new teacher, we should continue to improve our professional ability, and truly do our teaching work well, carefully and realistically.

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(Editor in charge: zgjs. lyy)


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