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Teacher qualification Junior high school morality and rule of law exercises

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Time: 2022-10-14 14:32:53

 The whole course of the written examination of teaching materials in 2024

In the written examination for the qualification of moral and rule of law teachers in junior high schools, some examination sites frequently appear in the examination questions over the years, and many examinees and students often fall into the trap of words in such examination questions, resulting in unsatisfactory scores. Therefore, the public school teacher specially prepared exercises for you today on such knowledge points that are easy to make mistakes, hoping to help you have a deeper understanding and memory of these examination points, so as to prevent trouble before it happens and achieve success Teacher Certificate

1、 Single choice question

1. Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. produced freeze-dried rabies vaccine for human use in violation of laws and regulations, and made up production records and product inspection records, changing process parameters and equipment at will. The inaccurate understanding of this practice is ().

A. Violated the principle of honesty and trustworthiness B. Will not shake the confidence of society in drug safety

C. Violation of citizens' right to life and health D. Should be morally condemned and legally sanctioned

1. [Answer] B. Analysis: This question examines the understanding and grasp of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. According to the knowledge learned, Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. produces fake vaccines, which violates the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and infringes the right to life and health of citizens, and should be condemned morally and punished legally. So the ACD statement is correct; This will shake the confidence of the society in drug safety. B is wrong; This question is from the wrong angle, so choose B.

2. The unique form and advantages of China's socialist democracy are ().

A. Electoral democracy B. Consultative democracy C. Democratic supervision D. Democratic management

2. [Answer] B. Analysis: This question examines the status of consultative democracy. According to the content of the textbook, deliberative democracy is a unique form and unique advantage of China's socialist democratic politics, and B is correct. A It is wrong. Our country implements people's democracy, develops electoral democracy, and ensures that people exercise their rights through elections and ballots. It does not meet the purpose of the question. C is wrong. Democratic supervision is the concrete embodiment of citizens' participation in democratic life and exercise of citizens' supervision right. It is not consistent with the intention of the question, and it is excluded. D is wrong. Democratic management is not a democratic form. So select B for this question.

3. In order to prevent the occurrence of campus violence that endangers the physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students, the Changchun People's Procuratorate continued to promote the rule of law campus work, maintain campus safety, and curb campus bullying crime from the source. Promoting the rule of law campus work ().

① It is conducive to improving the legal literacy of young people ② indicating that our city actively promotes scientific legislation

③ In line with the requirements of strengthening the construction of political civilization ④ improved the ability of the government to administer according to law

A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④

3. [Answer] B. Analysis: This question mainly examines the construction of the rule of law campus. To prevent campus bullying and campus violence, we need to start with the rule of law and curb the crime of campus bullying from the source. This is conducive to strengthening the awareness and quality of the rule of law of young people. So ① is correct; ② Wrong statement, Changchun has no legislative power, so it is excluded ②; The construction of the rule of law is also the requirement of the construction of political civilization, so ③ it is in line with the theme; The construction of the rule of law campus has nothing to do with the government's administration according to law, so it is excluded ④. The answer is B.

4. As of December 6, 2018, the second batch of central ecological environment protection supervision teams "look back" have all completed the work of supervision. Environmental protection inspectors have made a nationwide explanation ().

① Our country insists on managing the environment according to law, and strictly punish the acts of polluting and damaging the environment according to law

② Effective implementation of environmental protection laws is a strong guarantee for promoting the construction of ecological civilization

③ Too strict environmental protection law enforcement will affect the survival of enterprises, cause social employment pressure, and hinder local economic development

④ Punishing polluting enterprises severely according to law can have a deterrent effect and improve people's awareness of environmental protection

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④

4. [Answer] D. Analysis: According to the article, environmental protection supervision has been carried out nationwide, which fully demonstrates China's determination to govern the environment according to law, severely punish pollution and damage the environment, ensure the implementation of environmental protection laws, provide a strong guarantee for promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and improve people's awareness of environmental protection, so ① ② ④ is in line with the topic. ③ Wrong statement: environmental protection law enforcement will not affect the survival of enterprises, but will promote enterprises to establish environmental awareness, legal awareness, sense of responsibility, change extensive production mode, and promote local economic development. Therefore, select D.

5. During the election of deputies to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hainan and other provinces clearly put forward the specific number and proportion of minority party members' representative candidates in each link of the election of deputies, refined the structural requirements, and strengthened the pertinence and accuracy of the nomination. Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces took into account the candidates of ethnic minorities with large populations and unique ethnic minorities in their native communities. This indicates ().

A. The System of Regional National Autonomy Suits Our National Conditions B. The Common Prosperity of All Nationalities in China

C. China is a unified multi-ethnic country D. All nationalities in the People's Republic of China are equal

5. [Answer] D. Analysis: In the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, according to legal requirements, ethnic minorities have a certain proportion, which reflects that all ethnic groups in the People's Republic of China are equal, and the statement D is correct; The material does not reflect the content of regional ethnic autonomy, nor does it reflect the common prosperity and unity of all ethnic groups in a multi-ethnic country. ABC is wrong; Therefore, select D.

2、 Material analysis questions

6. In the public vote of the annual Lawrence World Sports Award "Best Sports Moment", the inspirational Chinese mountaineer Xia Boyu won the most votes. Xia Boyu was commended for his unremitting efforts. He has experienced many challenges such as frostbite, amputation, cancer and thrombosis. He never gave up his dream of embracing Mount Everest! In the past 40 years, he has tried to reach the top several times. Finally, in 2018, this sacred snow mountain accepted him. This is the story of Xia Boyu, the winner of the Best Sports Time Award of the 2019 Lawrence World Sports Award, which shows the Chinese people's perseverance and faith to the world!

Read the material and answer the following questions:

(1) What are the outstanding qualities of Xia Boyu?

(2) What should we learn from Xia Boyu?

6. [Reference answer]

(1) Calmly deal with setbacks; Strong will; Have great ambition; Proactive; Self-improvement, etc.

(2) ① Establish a correct ideal of life, carry forward the spirit of hard work, be down-to-earth and go all out;

② Sharpen your strong will, take the initiative to exercise yourself in a tough environment, start from the small things in life, and keep your heart to the end;

③ Defeating oneself is the key to self-improvement. Be brave to overcome your own weaknesses and change the bad habits in your study and life; It is a shortcut for self-improvement to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses. You should have a comprehensive understanding of yourself and be good at discovering your own interests and hobbies

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(Editor in charge: Cui Penghui)


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