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Appreciation of English Composition I

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Time: 2022-04-15 17:44:58

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Recently, the situation of the May Day holiday has become a hot topic. Some people think that the holiday can be relaxed, but some people think that the holiday will cause congestion. Please talk about your views on the small and long holidays in combination with the actual situation, and write an argumentation with no less than 150 words in English. The topic is self-made.

Model essay

My View on the Long Holidays

The further development of economy in China has brought the more entertainment and leisure to people's life. People begin to enjoy their holidays with their families

A case in point is the long holiday such as the International Labour Day, in which people can spend one week or so enjoying themselves in different ways, especially going shopping and traveling. It has been agreed that the long holiday may bring much more benefit to both the customer and the businessmen.On the other hand, however, the long holiday also brings much problems to the society. First, too many visitors in the long holidays have caused the strain in traffic. Second, the visitors like to go to the well-known interesting places, which may lead to the serious damage to the nature and the scene.

In my view, people need such long holidays, and what really matters is how to guide people in their entertainment. For example, it is advisable that people try to avoid going shopping or traveling in the rush days. Anyway, the long holiday is a good idea of satisfying both the people and the merchants.


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(Editor in charge: zgjsks_yxm)


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