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Sliding Rheostat Error prone Instruction_Teacher Qualification Interview Junior High School Science (Video)

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Network Time: 2021-05-08 20:32:38

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Sliding Rheostat error prone instruction_teacher qualification interview junior high school science (video), recording a series of videos of teacher qualification interview preparation for everyone, hoping to help the examinees. The following is an error prone guide video for junior high school science "Sliding Rheostat".

Error prone guidance of junior high school science Sliding Rheostat

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I believe that the examinees who have watched this video must have already learned about the exam and have increased their confidence in the exam.

Interview process:

1. Waiting for the exam: The candidates will arrive at the exam place on time with the interview admission card and ID card and enter the waiting room for the exam.

2. Test question selection: according to the arrangement of the test site, log in to the interview and evaluation software system, and the computer will randomly select test questions from the question bank (junior high school science park candidates will select one of the two questions selected, and only one of the other categories will be selected). After the confirmation of the candidates, the system will print the test question list.

3. Lesson preparation: The examinee enters the lesson preparation room with the slide rheostat and the list of test questions to write Teaching plan (or demo activity plan), 20 minutes of lesson preparation.

4. Answer the specified questions. The examiner randomly selects 2 required questions from the question bank, and the candidates answer them for 5 minutes.

5. Trial lecture/demonstration: examinees should follow the prepared Teaching plan (or activity plan) for 10 minutes.

6. Defense: The examiners will ask questions around the content of the examinee's trial speech (or demonstration) and the test items, and the examinee will defend for 5 minutes.

7. The interview of the candidates in the cultural courses (public subjects) of secondary vocational schools is the same as that of primary schools. The candidates for the professional courses of secondary vocational schools, the guidance of vocational practice, Japanese (junior middle school), Russian (junior middle school), physical education (junior middle school), Japanese (senior middle school), Russian (senior middle school), physical education (senior middle school), Japanese (cultural courses of secondary vocational schools), Russian (cultural courses of secondary vocational schools), physical education (cultural courses of secondary vocational schools) During the interview of candidates with teacher qualifications, the professional knowledge summary shall be added for 5 minutes.

8. Scoring: The examiner gives a comprehensive score on the candidate's interview performance according to the scoring standard, fills in the Interview Scoring Form, which is signed by the team leader for confirmation, and submits the score through the interview evaluation system.

(Editor in charge: zgjsks_yxm)


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