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2022 Teacher Certificate Registration Time | Examination Time | Test Preparation Guidance

Source: Zhonggong Teacher Qualification Examination Network Time: 2021-11-18 16:06:53

 The whole course of the written examination of teaching materials in 2024

2022 Teacher Certificate When is the registration time and examination time? Generally in the first half of the year Teacher Certificate The written examination is in March, the second half of the year Teacher Certificate The written examination is in October, click to view 2022 Enrollment Entrance of Teacher's Qualification Certificate | Registration Time | Application Conditions | Registration Fee | Summary of Written Examination Announcement How are you preparing for the exam? The editor gives you some suggestions for preparing for the exam, hoping to help you review.

Teacher Certificate Examination schedule:

The written examination of teachers' qualification certificate is paper-based, and the examination time is 2 hours. Click to view Subject and content of written test for teaching resources Subject and content of teaching resources interview examination

Category/Time morning afternoon
9:00-11:00 13:00-15:00 16:00-18:00
kindergarten Comprehensive quality (Kindergarten) Knowledge and ability of nursing and teaching  
primary school Comprehensive quality (Primary school) Education and teaching knowledge and ability  
junior middle school Comprehensive quality (Middle School) Educational knowledge and ability Subject knowledge and teaching ability
Senior high school Subject knowledge and teaching ability
Culture course of secondary vocational school
Professional courses in secondary vocational schools  
Secondary vocational practice instructor

Teacher Certificate Examination preparation guidance:

[About question type]

Comprehensive quality : single choice questions, material questions, writing.

Education (teaching) knowledge and ability: single choice, multiple choice, discrimination, simple answer, teaching design, case analysis.

What should be noted here is that there are different types of questions in different learning stages. The above is just a list of the types involved.

[About complexity]

As we all know, teacher qualification is the first threshold for us to become teachers. As previously mentioned by the editor, the framework of teacher qualification knowledge is Teacher recruitment There is no change, but the complexity is relatively simple. On the whole, teachers' qualifications are basically tested in the framework of knowledge, and there are not many details. However, we should pay attention to the test questions in the past two years. We will find that the complexity of the test questions in the past two years is on the rise, and we should do a good job in reciting subjective questions, so as to be fully prepared for obtaining certificates.

In the process of preparing for the exam, the editor here can give you some suggestions:

First of all, learn about the exam situation and relevant exam questions in the past three years from the announcement.

Secondly, start to prepare the test preparation materials, and prepare for the review of relevant test types according to the examination situation in previous years. The objective questions can be mainly based on reading. If there are subjective questions, you need to take time to recite them.

Finally, do several sets of simulation papers to feel the feeling of the exam, and strictly control the time to complete the simulation exercise.

Finally, I hope that in the process of preparing for the exam, we should also pay attention to two special question types, namely, logical reasoning ability and information writing ability. These two parts have only four single choice questions in the exam process. However, the complexity is very large, so I suggest that you should pay attention to the preparation of these four questions in the process of preparing for the exam, and get as many scores as possible!

I have arranged for everyone to prepare for the exam【 Free gift package for teaching material written test preparation 】, containing (6 examination points analysis | 12 selected question banks | 5 student memoirs | 5 collection of examination points | 6 mind maps) I hope it can help everyone.

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(Editor in charge: zgjsks_yxm)


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