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Knowledge points of teacher recruitment examination Educational Psychology | Summary of common examination points

Source: Zhonggong Teachers Recruitment Network Time: 2020-09-30 20:44:06

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teacher Recruitment examination educational psychology 》Knowledge points | What are the contents of common examination points? For the convenience of preparing for the exam teacher Recruitment examination, Zhonggong teacher The network has sorted out for examinees teacher Recruitment examination educational psychology 》Knowledge points | Summary of common examination points, details are as follows, more teacher Recruitment examination educational psychology The knowledge points are continuously updated, please pay attention.

Knowledge points of teacher recruitment examination Educational Psychology | Summary of common examination points
Knowledge points of teacher recruitment test: structural characteristics of personality Structural characteristics of personality
Cognitive Style: Field Independence and Field Dependence What kind of temperament are you?
Types of Motivational Conflict The first signal system and the second signal system
Dweck's achievement goal theory Three forms of moral emotion
Conformity and obedience From Modern Curriculum Theory to Postmodern Curriculum Theory -- From Taylor to Dole
Basic principles of creativity cultivation The Relationship between Procedural Knowledge and Declarative Knowledge
declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge What are the differences between field independent and field dependent people?
Bloom's Teaching Objectives - Classification of Cognitive Fields Bloom's Theory of Classification of Teaching Objectives
Unreasonable belief Freud, praised by the Chinese as the "Duke of Zhou" in the West
Algorithm of ratio IQ Tips for identifying impression formation effects
Bandura's Theory of Observation and Learning Five Effects of Bandura's Observation and Learning
Forgetting theory The Structural Characteristics of Personality in Psychological Examination Sites

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(Editor in charge: Mr. Mu Mu)


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This column provides you with the knowledge points of the teacher recruitment exam Educational Psychology | Summary of common exam points _ Zhonggong teacher website, more knowledge points of the teacher recruitment exam Educational Psychology | Summary of common exam points _ Zhonggong teacher website, please follow the content of Zhonggong teacher website