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Bridge Teaching Design

Source: Zhonggong Special Post Teachers Recruitment Network Time: 2016-07-20 17:31:41

Bridge Teaching Design

1、 Create a situation and introduce new lessons

There was a narrow wooden bridge in a village. He and more than 100 people in the village experienced a terrible disaster. What happened? Let's walk into the dawn together.

2、 First reading of the text, overall perception

1. Students read the text freely, learn new words and new words, and the teacher guides the writing of the words "Si, Dian".

2. Thinking: What kind of thing is written in the text? Try to say it in your own words.

Late at night, when the flood hit, the secretary of the party branch, the old man who was admired by the whole village, risked his life and directed more than 100 people to cross the bridge in an orderly manner without selfish considerations. Finally, he and his son were swept away by the flood.

3、 Read deeply and taste carefully

Transition: Yes, a terrible disaster has come. When you see the word "flood", what kind of picture emerges in your mind? (Play the flood video to feel the horror of the flood.)

1. Find out the sentences describing heavy rain and flood in the text, read them and tell what you feel from them?

① These sentences all describe the ferocious floods that threaten people's lives.

② Many of these sentences use the rhetoric of personification or metaphor. Take one or two sentences as examples. Do not use personification or metaphor to compare with the original sentence to see what is different. Guide students to feel the charm of language. Can you also describe the scene of flood rushing in this way?

Transition: When the flood hit, the village woke up. People rolled out of bed, but one foot in the water. Panic people, you embrace me and squeeze to escape, looking for a way to live? Did they find it? (Yes, the narrow wooden bridge in the north.) Is this an ordinary bridge? No, this is not an ordinary bridge, because its narrow body will carry the lives of more than 100 people and the whole village! So, people eager to survive stumbled to the wooden bridge

2. Group discussion:

What would happen if everyone rushed to the narrow wooden bridge in disorder? (Student freedom

Guess the possible results and feel the tension of the situation.)

Summary: Yes, survival is human instinct. In front of the god of death, all people have the desire to survive, except one person. Who is he? What choice did he make at this moment of life and death?

3. Students read the text again, find out the sentences describing the old man in the text, read them, tell me what kind of person you think the old man is, and where did you learn from it? (Also ask students to write on the blackboard the key words that describe the different performances of the old man and the villagers.)

Precede others, be fearless in the face of danger, and do not follow personal feelings

4. Tell me: what did he do, this old man? We can see what kind of person he is:

4、 Expand and expand, stimulate imagination

The flood receded and the villagers were saved. But the old man and his son left their relatives forever. Imagine what the villagers would do and say after the old man died? (Students speak freely)

5、 Summarize the work and enrich the accumulation

You also know who is like an old man. After you go back, you can collect information and share it in the next class.

The above is the teaching design of Bridge. I hope it can help the examinees!

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