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Shijiazhuang Laser Wrinkle Removal Tianyimei Beauty Hospital Quality Organization Anti aging significantly

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2024-03-18 13:27:53

As time goes by, wrinkles are one of the inevitable manifestations of skin aging. However, with the continuous progress of medical technology, laser wrinkle removal technology has become a popular choice.

Shijiazhuang Tianyimei Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital Always adhere to the purpose of "treating surgery as an art" and "doing an operation, leaving a high-quality product", and carry out comprehensive and personalized beauty design from the perspective of human overall beauty according to individual differences, so as to fully meet the individual needs of beauty lovers. The plastic surgery, laser skin care, traditional Chinese medicine beauty and fashionable medical beauty SPA, life beauty, etc. are organically integrated into the comprehensive personalized skin care management, body sculpture management, face management, rejuvenation management, fashion beauty management, so that beauty seekers can easily care for the skin, sculpt the curve, relax the body and mind, and turn the transformation process into happy memories.

Laser wrinkle removal Principle of

Laser wrinkle removal is a treatment method that can reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture by applying laser technology to the surface and deep layers of skin to stimulate collagen regeneration and skin tissue reconstruction. This technology uses the new laser RF technology to effectively stimulate the damaged collagen layer, make the skin appear new collagen, and play a role in filling the skin wrinkles due to the reduction of collagen; By heating the dermal tissue layer, the repair function acting on our own body stimulates tissue regeneration and reconstruction, and thickens the dermis.

Types of laser wrinkle removal

Non exfoliating laser treatment: this laser treatment will not damage the skin surface, and it mainly reduces wrinkles by stimulating the collagen regeneration of the dermis. Among them, non stripping laser treatment includes Nd: YAG laser and Er: YAG laser.

Exfoliative laser treatment: This laser treatment will remove a certain thickness of the skin surface, promote the growth of new skin cells, and achieve the effect of reducing wrinkles. Common exfoliative lasers include CO2 laser and Er: YAG laser.

Laser wrinkle removal effect

Reduce the number and depth of wrinkles: laser wrinkle removal treatment can significantly reduce the number and depth of facial wrinkles, making the skin appear smoother and younger.

Improve skin tightness: laser treatment stimulates the regeneration of collagen, making the skin more compact and elastic.

Improve skin texture: wrinkle removal treatment helps to improve the skin texture, making the skin more delicate and soft.

Precautions for laser wrinkle removal

After the beauty seeker's pixel laser anti-aging, it is necessary to increase the treatment energy for some serious skin lesions. At this time, temporary edema, exudation, purpura and even blisters may appear locally, which usually takes 7-14 days to subside. It is normal to have redness, swelling and burning sensation within 24~48 hours after treatment. If there is severe pain or other discomfort after pixel laser antiaging, contact the doctor in time. Avoid cleaning the treatment site on the day after the pixel laser anti-aging treatment, and avoid using irritating cosmetics within 48 hours.

After the pixel laser anti-aging treatment, reduce facial expression and avoid sauna bath, massage the treatment site and sweating movement within 1~2 weeks. Some beauty seekers will appear pigmentation after using pixel laser for anti-aging (people with dark skin color are prone to appear), which will generally fade in March to June, and can accelerate the disappearance of pigmentation with drug treatment. The part after pixel laser treatment must be protected from the sun (use physical sunscreen or BB cream with SPF ≥ 30~50, apply it 30 minutes before going out; apply sunscreen when indoor activities are also required).

The above article is a summary of "Laser Wrinkle Removal", and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to make an online appointment or make an expert inquiry, please call the hotline!

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