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New Century Plastic Surgery Hospital in Taiyuan, the cost of embedding double eyelids increases eye stereo

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 11:16:50, March 13, 2024

In recent years, more and more people have micro plastic surgery. As a popular way of beauty, the technique of embedding double eyelids has attracted more and more people's attention and favor.

Taiyuan New Century Medical Plastic Hospital Led by experts, professors and other professionals, with strong equipment and technical force, it is a highly professional medical plastic surgery outpatient department in Shanxi. Professor Zhang, who went to South Korea, Western Europe and other countries to study for further study, was the chief physician back home. He has successfully completed tens of thousands of difficult plastic surgery. Professor Zhang has constantly innovated various plastic techniques to keep up with the international trend of plastic surgery. With rich clinical experience in plastic surgery, first-class environment, first-class service, first-class technology.

Double eyelids with embedding method: 2400~5800 yuan

Price of double eyelids by incision: 3200~5800 yuan

Partial incision double eyelid Price: 2800~4800 yuan

Eye repair price: 3500~50000 yuan

Buried eyelids effect okay?

Buried double eyelid is a non operative way of forming double eyelid. By implanting special materials (usually absorbable wire) inside the eyelid, a natural double eyelid line is formed under the skin. This technology does not need to cut the skin, so the recovery period is short, and it is suitable for those who are unwilling to accept traditional surgery.

Procedure of double eyelid surgery with embedding thread

Consultation and evaluation: the patient and professional doctors conduct face-to-face consultation to jointly determine the ideal shape of the double eyelid, and evaluate the patient's eye structure and skin condition.

Local anesthesia: Before the operation, the doctor will perform local anesthesia on both eyes to ensure the comfort of the operation process.

Embedding operation: the doctor uses a special embedding needle to penetrate the wire through the inner tissues of the eyelid to form an ideal shape of the eyelid.

Adjustment and correction: After the embedding is completed, the doctor will make appropriate adjustment and correction according to the patient's needs to ensure the natural and beautiful lines of the eyelids.

Buried eyelids Postoperative care

Cold compress: In the first few days after operation, cold compress can be properly applied to reduce swelling and discomfort.

Avoid overuse of eyes: Try to avoid overuse of eyes for a period of time after surgery to reduce the movement of eye muscles.

Follow up on time: Follow up the healing of the double eyelid after the operation and make further adjustments as needed.

The above is about the relevant introduction of "embedding double eyelids", and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to ask other questions, please call the hotline to communicate with professionals one-on-one.

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