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Guangzhou Dibaotian Orthopaedic Yabo Oral Clinic has rich experience and confident smile

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2024-03-04 15:40:18

Earth Baotian is a common oral malformation, which not only affects the coordination of facial features, but also affects individual self-confidence. With the continuous progress of medical technology, Dibaotian correction has become an effective means to improve oral beauty, opening new possibilities for people with confident smiles.

Guangzhou Yabo Oral Out patient Department has a clean environment, strict equipment and disinfection, and standardized treatment. It treats patients and customers as family members, and designs treatment and beautification programs tailored to their needs, and provides considerate services. Based on the service concept of "promoting oral health and improving the quality of life", we are people-oriented, patient centered and dedicated to serving patients. Adhering to the modern medical practice tenet of "doctor, benevolent, benevolent, good to beauty, excellence, service first, honest practice", we have many stomatologists, introduced instruments and equipment, and adopted synchronous oral treatment technology to create a comfortable and elegant medical environment, change the traditional medical treatment mode, provide diversified and personalized services, and are committed to improving the new technology of tooth care, Advocate the new concept of shaping beautiful teeth and cherishing happy life, constantly carry out product and service innovation, focus on the implementation of tooth aesthetics system engineering, and serve patients wholeheartedly!

What is Earth Baotian

The overground refers to the excessive vertical distance between the upper front teeth and the lower front teeth, which leads to the protrusion of the upper front teeth and a kind of tooth dislocation. This not only affects the harmonious beauty of the face, but also may lead to problems such as poor chewing function and difficult oral hygiene maintenance.

How much is it to rectify the earth parcel

The price of Dibaotian rectification is about 20000-70000 yuan. The price depends on personal factors, doctors' skills, hospital scale, etc.

1. The beauty lover's own situation is relevant: everyone's situation is different, and the surgical effect and requirements are also different. Experts will put the patient's wishes first for consideration.

2. The way of expert operation is related: each doctor's technique and experience are different, so some instruments needed are naturally different, and their prices are also different.

3. The hospitals chosen by beauty lovers are related to: large hospitals have strong doctors, and medical equipment is naturally more expensive.

4. The beauty lovers are located in different regions: different regions naturally have different consumption levels, so the price is different. The living and consumption levels in each region are different. The price must be high where the consumption level is high.

Earth and sky rectification What are the characteristics

Improve the aesthetics: after the earth bag sky correction, the teeth are arranged in order, the facial appearance is more coordinated, and the overall aesthetics is improved.

Improve masticatory function: normal tooth arrangement helps to give full play to masticatory function and relieve discomfort to temporomandibular joint.

Prevention of oral diseases: after the rectification of Dibaotian, oral hygiene is easier to maintain, reducing the risk of dental caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases.

Key points of earth parcel and sky rectification

Early treatment: The treatment of the problem of earth covering the sky began in childhood, so as to take advantage of the opportunity of growth and development and better adjust the position of teeth.

Regular reexamination: regular reexamination is required during the correction process to ensure good correction effect and timely adjust the appliance or treatment plan.

Good oral hygiene: During the correction process, patients need to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent dental caries and other oral problems.

The above is the relevant introduction of "Dibaotian Rectification", which I hope will be helpful to you. If you want to make an online reservation or inquire about this month's discount, please call the hotline to communicate with the medical beauty consultant in detail!

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