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How long can the price of Changchun Strait plastic surgery and laser whitening maintain and return to 18 years old

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2024-02-12 18:52:57

Every beauty lover wants to have white and smooth skin. Many people will choose medical beauty technology to improve, and laser whitening is one of the more popular whitening methods nowadays. So, how about the effect of laser skin rejuvenation and whitening? How long can the laser whitening effect last? Let's take a look at the introduction!

Changchun Strait Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital Always adhere to the purpose of "treating surgery as an art" and "doing an operation, leaving a high-quality product", and carry out comprehensive and personalized beauty design from the perspective of human overall beauty according to individual differences, so as to fully meet the individual needs of beauty lovers. The plastic surgery, laser skin care, traditional Chinese medicine beauty and fashionable medical beauty SPA, life beauty, etc. are organically integrated into the comprehensive personalized skin care management, body sculpture management, face management, rejuvenation management, fashion beauty management, so that beauty seekers can easily care for the skin, sculpt the curve, relax the body and mind, and turn the transformation process into happy memories.

Price of color light rejuvenation: 3000~6000 yuan

Price of black faced doll: 1400~3800 yuan

Fruit acid skin changing price: 300~7200 yuan

IPL laser skin care price: 1680~4200 yuan

Price of laser whitening: 1800~9800 yuan

Laser red blood removal Price: 800~3800 yuan

Laser skin rejuvenation and whitening How about the effect

The effect of laser skin rejuvenation and whitening is very good, and many people have chosen this operation. And there are many advantages. First of all, the laser removal method is selected for this operation, which will not leave scars. It is very good for people. Secondly, the speed is very fast, and the removal effect is also very good. And after laser skin rejuvenation and whitening, the skin is in a very good state, making people's skin more white and tender.

What are the risks of laser whitening

Laser whitening still has some risks, most of which are related to the level of doctors.

1. Erythema and edema: It is normal to have moderate erythema and slight edema, but excessive swelling may be caused by excessive treatment and the energy needs to be reduced.

2. Ecstasy: blue purple ecchymosis may appear in the treatment area, lasting for 5 to 15 days. During the disappearance of ecchymosis, the skin may have rust brown pigment changes, which usually take 1-3 months to subside.

3. Pigment change: Pigment change may occur in the treatment area. Depigmentation or hyperpigmentation usually occurs in those who have dark skin color or have a history of sun exposure before or after surgery.

4. Scar: beauty seekers with darker skin color are less likely to have enlarged proliferative scars. Very few people with congenital keloid constitution will have abnormally enlarged and increased keloids.

Laser whitening effect How long can it last

1. After laser whitening, the skin's sensitivity to light increases. It is not allowed to light for a long time. Effective measures must be taken, such as applying sunscreen or other measures.

2. Make a hydrating mask or take other hydrating measures. You can also take it by taking fresh fruit, or follow the doctor's advice to make a hydrating mask.

3. Reasonable work and rest time is the premise to keep skin white. Adequate sleep can keep energy, and sufficient sleep can generate more protein, which can make skin blow and break, and also maintain a longer time.

People not suitable for laser whitening

1. Those with scar constitution;

2. Those with facial inflammation;

3. Patients with hypertension and diabetes;

4. Exposure to sunlight within two weeks;

5. Those who are taking anti-inflammatory drugs and antihypertensive drugs;

6. People with photosensitivity and who have used photosensitive drugs;

The price of laser whitening is not only related to the selected hospital, doctors and equipment, but also directly related to their own physical conditions. If the problem is serious, it may take several whitening operations to achieve the effect, so the above price is just a reference for everyone. How much does it cost? It can only be determined after physical examination in the hospital.

The above is part of the introduction of laser whitening, and I hope it can help you. For more information on cosmetic surgery, please continue to follow us.

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