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Harbin Spectral Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital, hawk nose correction, price improvement, nose | face improvement

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2023-12-07 14:57:04

Some friends are born with a hooked nose, which leads to a drop in face value. In this regard, the surgery of the hooked nose is your best choice. As time goes by, its effect will gradually appear, showing a natural and light face.

Harbin Spectral Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital One of the professional beauty spa clubs that has been established for a long time, a new beauty chain organization that specializes in providing all beauty services (non-surgical beauty, scientific beauty, skin care, etc.). Harbin Spectral Beauty Spa Hall is equipped with high-tech beauty equipment and cutting-edge high-quality professional skin care products. Spectral Beauty Spa Hall is based on Harbin beauty profession, radiates northeast beauty Heilongjiang beauty profession, and aims to create a new beautiful road for all women. Lead fashionable consumption and propose new beauty concepts.

What are the methods for correcting the hooked nose

1、 Resection of the overlong alar cartilage: the lower end of the overlong bilateral nasal cartilage or the upper segment and lateral part of the lateral angle of the alar cartilage are resected through the incision of the nostril margin. This method is also suitable for nasal tip reduction and plastic surgery.

2、 Resection of the excessively long nasal septal cartilage: through the longitudinal incision at the front edge of the septum, the excessively long septal cartilage in different directions is cut to correct the bulge deformity of the corresponding part.

3、 Cut off hypertrophic and hyperplastic nasal septum descending muscle: cut off the nasal septum descending muscle at the deep layer of orbicularis oris muscle close to the maxillary incisor fossa.

4、 Trimming and removing excessive nasal tip skin: after removing the above excessively long cartilage, the skin of the nasal tip in the mild cases has no obvious change, while the skin of the nasal tip in the severe cases is redundant, and most of them can retract by themselves without treatment. If there are many redundant soft tissues, they can also be trimmed to shape the corrected nose tip.

Correction effect of hooked nose okay?

The surgical method includes the removal and repair of redundant cartilage and muscular structure, so as to achieve the purpose of correcting the hooked nose. At present, the main correction methods are chipping and grinding. However, depending on the specific situation, it is usually possible to place a prosthesis that conforms to the curve of the bridge of the nose on the bridge of the nose for the less serious hooked nose, so as to change the contour and achieve the effect of correction. However, if the eagle hook nose is serious, it is necessary to expose the eagle hook part first, and then remove the cartilage and nasal bone. The exposed nose part is located at the nasal bone for artificial fracture. Then push the broken nasal bone inward, and the operation of narrowing will effectively correct it.

How much is the correction of hooked nose

The price of hamulus surgery varies from 30000 yuan to 100000 yuan. The price depends on personal factors, doctors' skills, and the size of the hospital.

1. Self condition: everyone's condition is different, and the requirements and expectations for the surgical effect are different. The doctor will certainly put the desire of the beauty lover first.

2. Operation method: Each doctor's technology and experience are different, and some instruments needed are also different, and their prices are also different.

3. Selected hospitals: Large hospitals have strong doctors, and medical equipment is naturally more expensive.

The above is the relevant content of "eagle nose correction" introduced for beauty seekers. Please feel free to choose. If you want to carry out or inquire about experts, you can call the hotline to communicate with professionals in detail!

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