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Can Anyang Meili Get Vaginal Tightness? Does She Recover Quickly After Operation

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2023-10-05 17:21:39

Vaginal relaxation is a common female problem, which not only affects husband and wife life, but also brings serious harm to women's health. Therefore, many women began to try vaginal tightening. So how about vaginal tightening? Does the vagina recover quickly after tightening? Now let's take a look.

Anyang Meili Yiren Beauty Hospital adheres to the system of specialized surgery subdivision by specially assigned persons. Each doctor only does what he or she is good at, and ensures that he or she has enough time and energy to do a fine and detailed project. At the same time, he or she has rich creativity, and can customize a beauty scheme suitable for her according to different beauty seekers. Realize the newly defined DAVINCI aesthetic standard, and use ingenuity to create eternal beauty. When you enter Anyang Meili Yiren Beauty Hospital, you will feel at home. The clean and warm hall environment, the noble and gorgeous decoration style, the enthusiastic medical staff, and the professional aesthetic design can give you a relaxed, comfortable, and satisfied experience of seeking beauty.

Hazards of vaginal relaxation:

1. Ovarian function decline

If the vagina is loose, it may lead to endocrine disorders in women, which will lead to ovarian function decline. This situation is usually accompanied by emotional instability or color spots on the face.

2. Gynecological diseases can not be cured for a long time

If the vagina is loose, it may lead to repeated attacks of female vaginitis. Its symptoms are generally manifested as itching in the lower vagina and abnormal leucorrhea. More serious, it may also suffer from other gynecological diseases.

3. Premature senility

Vaginal relaxation may lead to decreased muscle tension, which may lead to macula and wrinkles on the female face, and women are also prone to emotional anxiety and face emaciation.

4. Urinary incontinence

If a woman's vagina is loose, she is likely to have urinary incontinence, which generally occurs in middle-aged women in their forties and fifties. When the bladder is full and women are laughing or shouting, incontinence may occur.

What is? Vaginal constriction ?

Vaginal constriction is a gynecological plastic surgery designed to improve the quality of sexual life of couples and treat urethral, bladder and rectal bulges in response to women's physiological changes.

Vaginal constriction surgery is carried out and repaired with private cell vitality factors according to the patient's age, vaginal relaxation and perineum injury to different degrees. Through surgery, the damaged and loose muscles and fascia are repaired, so that the vaginal elasticity is enhanced, the tightness becomes appropriate, the psychological and physiological pain of the patient is relieved, the quality of life is improved, and women's self-confidence is restored. At the same time, it is beneficial to prevent and treat uterine prolapse and vaginal wall bulge caused by pelvic floor tissue relaxation.

In fact, not all women are suitable for vaginal tightening surgery. Women with vaginal relaxation due to congenital factors, such as diseases, personal physical reasons, or vaginal delivery with perineal laceration or lateral episiotomy are candidates for vaginal tightening surgery, while women with vaginal anterior wall bulge (this gynecological disease can only be treated through gynecological surgery), vaginitis This operation is not suitable for women with severe cervicitis or high blood pressure and other surgical indications. In addition, women who have not had children or who have undergone cesarean section do not advocate "vaginal tightening".

do Effect of vaginal constriction OK or not?

1. Vaginal tightening can prevent and improve female gynecological diseases

After the vagina is relaxed, the vaginal opening will be open, losing the ability to resist external bacteria, which is easy to infect various inflammation and cause gynecological diseases. And vaginal tightening can restore the original tightness of the vagina and resist external bacteria.

2. Vaginal tightening to prevent uterine prolapse and vaginal bulge

For women who have given birth, vaginal relaxation and uterine ptosis are accompanied at the same time. The more serious vaginal relaxation is, the more serious uterine ptosis will be. Vaginal tightening can prevent uterine prolapse and vaginal bulge, and improve the low back pain and urine leakage caused by uterine prolapse.

3. Vaginal constriction improves sexual life quality of couples

After vaginal relaxation, they lose their grip on men, and it is difficult for both sides to have pleasure. Vaginal tightening can tighten the vagina, improve the friction between the two partners, and easily produce orgasm.

Does the vagina recover quickly after tightening?

There are three recovery periods after vaginal tightening surgery:

1. The initial wound healing period is usually 7 to 10 days, which usually requires sitz bath and proper protection.

2. Two months is to make the local tissue completely heal, and the local part has a strong healing, so that the local part can maintain sufficient strength. At this time, within two months, you should avoid sex life, avoid strenuous exercise, avoid cross riding, avoid large-scale exercise, avoid constipation, and so on.

3. In fact, it refers to the recovery of vaginal elasticity, which usually takes 3-6 months. Therefore, it is recommended that gynecological examination should not be carried out within 3-6 months after the vaginal constriction operation, and the endoscope should not be used to forcibly expand the vaginal inner diameter.

For the sake of women's health and husband and wife's sexual happiness, friends who want to do vaginal tightening surgery must choose formal institutions and professional doctors for surgery! If you want to know more about it, please consult online, and we will provide you with one-on-one exclusive services!

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