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How much does Harbin Chaolong medical hymen repair cost? Does the operation hurt

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: October 5, 2023 17:15:06

The hymen was originally just a common part of the female body, but it was endowed with a sacred meaning. Although the society has been progressing, the virginity complex is still deeply rooted in many people's hearts, and many women also want to repair the hymen. How much is the hymen repair? Will the hymen be seen after repair? Now let's take a look.

Harbin Chaolong Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital It has nearly 10000 square meters of comfortable and comfortable environment. The hospital gathers dozens of elites in the field of plastic surgery, and has three departments, namely, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, and cosmetic injection center. The cosmetic surgery has realized the customized treatment mode of specially assigned person. For the needs of every beauty seeker, we can find suitable doctors in Chaolong to design and perform surgery; The cosmetic dermatology department has continuously updated and introduced medical equipment from home and abroad for many years to ensure that the technology and hardware facilities are always comparable to the front-line medical beauty. Gather medical and aesthetic instruments from international enterprises such as Sinoshow, medical staff and FOTONA; The specially established injection area cooperates with the first-line injection manufacturers to provide beauty and shape youth for those seeking beauty.

What are the causes of hymen rupture?

There are many reasons for the rupture of hymen, not only sex life.

1. We are familiar with the first sexual act, so the hymen will burst and bleed.

2. If women ride bicycles, motorcycles, horses and other strenuous sports, it may cause the hymen to break unintentionally; And some women in the cleaning of the vulva, the use of built-in tampons improper, will also cause the rupture of the hymen.

3. Vigorous exercise, vaginal medication, and some heavy physical labor can all lead to the rupture of the hymen. Ignorance in childhood, the insertion of foreign objects into the vagina, and masturbation can also lead to the rupture of the hymen.

How much is the repair of hymen ?

The price of hymen repair is about 2000-10000 yuan, and the specific price is related to the following factors:

1. Related to surgical materials

The cost of hymen repair varies greatly with different surgical materials. At present, most medical institutions use cheap ordinary nylon suture, which needs to be removed after surgery, not only increasing the risk of infection when removing the suture, but also leaving scars after removing the suture, which will greatly reduce the surgical effect.

However, some hospitals use nano self absorbable suture from abroad, which does not need to be removed after surgery. This not only eliminates the possibility of infection when removing the suture leading to surgery failure, but also has no scar after surgery, which is natural and more realistic.

2. Related to preoperative examination

Most doctors believe that hymen repair is a minor operation, so they don't need to worry about the safety of the operation. Some medical institutions advertise that they can do it at any time, and the operation will end in half an hour.

During this period, all examinations before operation were completely ignored. In fact, there will be great security risks. The special physiological structure of the female reproductive tract makes it vulnerable to bacterial infection, causing vaginitis, cervicitis and other inflammation. If surgery is performed directly without preoperative treatment, it is easy to cause infection during surgery, leading to surgery failure.

Therefore, it is very necessary to do a comprehensive and strict gynecological examination before hymen repair. Naturally, the cost of hymen repair is different with more inspection.

3. It is related to the operation mode

There are many ways to repair hymen, and different surgical methods have different prices. Generally speaking, the price of the traditional operation is lower, but the safety of the operation is poor, and the infection is easy after the operation, and the effect is not good. Therefore, surgeons should make good choices according to their own needs.

hymen repair Does the operation hurt?

Anesthesia is naturally necessary for general surgery. The hymen repair operation is no exception. In addition, the operation is performed in the sensitive private place of women, so proper anesthesia is very important. Operation anesthesia should be operated by experienced anesthetists in regular hospitals. Doctors should inject anesthesia according to multiple factors such as the length of the operation and the physical state of the patient, so that the operation can be carried out safely and successfully without pain as much as possible.

Will the hymen be seen after repair?

For hymen repair surgery, doctors have rich experience in the operation. The surgical materials used are strictly sterile and sterilized, and the quality is guaranteed. The original hymen is still obtained after the surgery. After the surgery, take a good rest and grow well. In essence, the repaired hymen is no different from the original one. It is difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye. And as long as the repaired hymen grows well, there is no need to worry about being seen.

Nursing after hymen repair:

1. Antibiotics were taken orally to prevent infection after hymen repair. Take a sitz bath with 1/5000 potassium permanganate solution twice a day for 7 days.

2. Do not take aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, and do not smoke.

3. Try to reduce activity within one week after operation, and avoid strenuous exercise within one month after operation.

4. Try to avoid squatting within half a month after the operation, and do not divide the legs too widely. Try to reduce activities and avoid activities such as cycling that increase the tension of perineum.

Before hymen repair, a detailed examination must be carried out, and a formal institution should be selected for surgery, so as to avoid unnecessary risks. If you have other questions, please consult online, and professionals will answer them one by one!

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