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Don't be shy Do vaginal contractions work? Make couples closer

Source: Very beautiful

Release time: 2023-09-16 10:01:45

Many reasons for vaginal relaxation are due to women's frequent sexual life after giving birth to a baby. Whatever the reason, it will gradually affect the relationship between husband and wife. In fact, you can go to the hospital to have vaginal constriction surgery to restore the tightness of the vagina and become a happy couple. So, who are the people suitable for vaginal tightening? Is vaginal tightening really useful? Let's take a look at the introduction!

Guangdong Zhuhai Esther Medical Plastic Hospital Always adhere to the purpose of "treating surgery as an art" and "doing an operation, leaving a high-quality product", and carry out comprehensive and personalized beauty design from the perspective of human overall beauty according to individual differences, so as to fully meet the individual needs of beauty lovers. The plastic surgery, laser skin care, traditional Chinese medicine beauty and fashionable medical beauty SPA, life beauty, etc. are organically integrated into the comprehensive personalized skin care management, body sculpture management, face management, rejuvenation management, fashion beauty management, so that beauty seekers can easily care for the skin, sculpt the curve, relax the body and mind, and turn the transformation process into happy memories.

Suitable for Vaginal constriction Surgical population

1. Vaginal relaxation causes various gynecological diseases

The flabby vagina hides many wrinkles, in which bacteria, toxins, dead skin cells, and menstrual blood that cannot be drained are left for many years, making the lower vulva itch, leucorrhea odor, yellowing, and fishy smell. The stool vaginitis attacks repeatedly, and the cervical erosion is incurable for a long time.

Bacterial toxins go up to the pelvic cavity, leading to chronic pelvic inflammation, endometritis and other refractory diseases.

2. Vaginal relaxation makes women become "yellow faced women" early

According to statistics, 80% of postpartum women and 90% of women over 30 years old will have varying degrees of vaginal relaxation.

Broad vagina, dryness, pain in intercourse, low libido, c-blowing and leakage of urine have brought many troubles to women, resulting in emotional anxiety, endocrine disorder, haggard appearance, insomnia, irritability, and premature aging symptoms.

3. Vagina flabby, let him slowly away from you

Vaginal relaxation leads to the decline of the original vaginal "grip" ability during sexual life. The friction is weakened, and the pleasure of both men and women is weakened or even disappeared, which makes the partner unsatisfied and reduces the quality of sexual life of both partners. It will seriously lead to psychological rejection, rejection or antipathy, leading to disharmony in the sexual life of couples.

Does vaginal tightening really help

Vaginal tightening is useful. Through surgery, the vagina can be tightened to improve sexual dissatisfaction caused by vaginal relaxation. However, not everyone can do vaginal tightening surgery. Go to the hospital to have an examination and see whether it is suitable for surgery according to their specific conditions. If you plan to operate, you need to go to a regular large hospital for operation. Before the operation, you should not smoke or drink, eat spicy food, or take aspirin or other anticoagulant drugs to avoid bleeding during the operation.

Vaginal constriction is usually performed in the outpatient department. After completion, the vagina is filled with gauze to prevent bleeding. At the same time, it is recommended to observe the amount of bleeding for a day. If the amount of bleeding is large, use hemostatic drugs in time. Antibiotics should be used reasonably after the operation to avoid gynecological infection, and they should not be allowed to sleep together within two months.

How much is vaginal tightening

According to experts, vaginal constriction may occur in RMB 6000-10000 The specific price is related to the following factors:

1. Different patients have different surgical difficulties due to different relaxation of yin, so the price will certainly be different.

2. The price of vaginal tightening surgery is also related to the hospital selected by the patient, because the charging standards of different hospitals are different.

3. Vaginal constriction is related to the operation mode. Each patient has different operation mode and uses different equipment, so the price must be different.

Vaginal tightening care items

1、 After the operation, keep enough rest time. Try to stay in bed for rest within one week after the operation. This week is the key period for recovery. After one week, appropriate activities can be carried out, but it is not allowed to lift heavy things, bend down, squat or ride a bicycle to avoid affecting the surgical effect;

2、 After the operation, take or inject anti infection drugs according to the doctor's requirements. After urinating, clean the vulva in time to avoid infection and other undesirable phenomena;

3、 Sexual life cannot be carried out within two months after the operation, because the vagina is still in the recovery period after the operation, and sexual life may lead to infection, bleeding and other adverse symptoms. If any discomfort occurs during the recovery period, you should go to the hospital in time to ask a professional doctor for diagnosis and recovery guidance;

4、 Postoperative diet is also very important. It is recommended that everyone eat more vegetables and fruits, try to maintain a light diet, supplement adequate nutrition, and avoid spicy and irritant food and seafood food to prevent constipation, because constipation will lead to excessive force during defecation, which will affect postoperative recovery;

Although vaginal compression is not a difficult operation, it requires very high technical skills for doctors. I suggest that you should be careful when choosing hospitals and surgeons. It is important to follow the doctor's advice and do a good job of private nursing after surgery.

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