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Where to go to Suzhou Eye Bag? Good Star Fan Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital Get rid of tiredness

Source: Very beautiful

Published on: April 8, 2024 11:46:08

Nowadays, the pouch problem has become one of the problems many people face. Fortunately, laser pouch removal surgery as a safe and effective plastic method has attracted much attention.

In 2013, the "starstyle star model" brand was born. In 2014, Suzhou Xingfan Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital. In 2016, Xingfan officially launched its franchise business. So far, more than 10 medical beauty franchises have been signed in Jinan, Changyuan, Huludao, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Pingliang, Liuzhou, Suzhou, Dandong, Xinhua, Nantong, Kunshan, Xuzhou and other places. Xingfan plans to complete the scale of 200 franchised chains in the next three years, and make certain contributions to promoting the branding, scale and standardization of the medical beauty industry while realizing the vision of the leading brand of luxury medical beauty.

Laser pouch removal effect how

Laser pouch removal surgery is a plastic surgery that uses laser technology to remove lower eye bags. The high-energy laser can act on the eye tissue to remove excess skin and fat, so as to eliminate eye bags and improve the eye contour.

Advantages of laser pouch removal surgery

Non traumatic: laser pouch removal surgery is a non traumatic plastic surgery, which does not require surgery, reducing the risk of surgery and recovery period.

Accuracy: The laser technology can accurately act on the eye tissue, remove the pouch without damaging the surrounding normal tissue, and maintain the integrity of the eye skin.

Natural postoperative effect: after laser pouch removal, the eye contour becomes more compact, the pouch is reduced or disappears, and the overall effect is natural, without obvious surgical marks.

Rapid recovery: due to small surgical trauma and relatively short postoperative recovery period, patients can quickly return to daily life and work.

Laser pouch removal Operation precautions

Select a regular plastic surgery hospital and an experienced doctor to perform the operation to ensure the safety of the operation;

Fully understand the operation process, possible risks and postoperative nursing measures before the operation;

After the operation, nursing should be carried out according to the doctor's advice to avoid violent exercise, eye rubbing and other behaviors that may affect the wound healing;

Pay attention to maintaining the moisture and nutrition of the eye skin, and avoid dryness and excessive sun exposure.

The above is the related content of "laser pouch removal" introduced for beauty seekers. Please feel free to choose. If you want to carry out or inquire about experts, you can call the hotline to communicate with professionals in detail!

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