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Zhengzhou Nose Augmentation Hospital Chenxing Medical Plastic Hospital Address How much is nose augmentation prosthesis

Source: Very beautiful

Published on: April 2, 2024 12:00:06

Many people's noses are not very three-dimensional, so in order to improve the fact, they can choose augmentation rhinoplasty. This surgery is a common plastic surgery, which improves the shape of the nose by implanting a prosthesis, making the nose more straight and three-dimensional, thus enhancing the aesthetic feeling of the facial contour.

Zhengzhou Chenxing Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital is supported by strong technical force, and is strong in combining domestic and foreign medical institutions. In terms of hardware facilities, Chenxing plastic surgery is in line with the first-class plastic surgery and beauty centers in the United States, and has invested heavily in the introduction of international cutting-edge medical and beauty equipment from the United States, Israel, Germany and so on. In the medical team, Chen Xing plastic surgery, together with Shanghai Jiaotong University Ninth People's Hospital, Beijing Badachu Hospital, Hopkins University Hospital Beauty and Plastic Surgery Center and other expert teams, adopts international medical and aesthetic technology, and is committed to creating "China, the United States, Korea and Taiwan international medical service platform" to provide safe, professional, quality and private personalized medical and aesthetic services for the crowd.

Address: No.280, Jinshui Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan

Price of expanded nose augmentation: 16800~78000 yuan

Silicone nose augmentation price: 4800~42000 yuan

Price of autologous cartilage augmentation rhinoplasty: 8000~35000 yuan

Hyaluronic acid nose augmentation price: 980~6800 yuan

Nasal augmentation with prosthesis OK or not?

Prosthesis augmentation rhinoplasty can increase the height of the nose or change the shape of the nose by implanting medical silicone or other materials in the bridge or tip of the nose, so as to achieve beautiful results. The surgery can select different shapes, sizes and materials of prostheses for implantation according to the needs of patients and facial features. Rhinoplasty can significantly improve the shape of the nose, make the nose more straight and three-dimensional, and thus enhance the beauty of the facial contour.

Prosthesis augmentation rhinoplasty procedure

Preoperative evaluation: The doctor will conduct a detailed preoperative evaluation with the patient, understand the patient's expectations and facial features, and develop a personalized surgical plan.

Anesthesia: The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia to ensure that the patient will not feel pain during the operation.

Prosthesis implantation: doctors implant the prosthesis under or on the surface of the nasal tissue through the incision in the nostril or nasal skin, and then adjust the position and shape of the prosthesis to make it more coordinated with other parts of the face.

Suture and bandage: After the operation, the doctor will suture the incision and bandage the wound around the nose to promote wound healing.

Prosthetic augmentation rhinoplasty matters needing attention

The recovery period after surgery is generally 1-2 weeks. The patient needs to avoid strenuous exercise and overexertion, so as not to affect the wound healing and the stability of the prosthesis.

Within a few days after the operation, the patient may feel swelling, pain or discomfort in the nose, which is a normal reaction and usually gradually reduces over time.

Regular revisit: patients need to be revisited regularly, so that doctors can evaluate the postoperative effect and the condition of the prosthesis to ensure the stability and satisfaction of the surgical effect.

The above is the content of "prosthetic augmentation rhinoplasty" introduced for beauty seekers. Please feel free to choose. If you want to carry out or inquire about experts, you can call the hotline to communicate with professionals in detail!

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