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Kunshan Rapoo Medical Beauty Clinic

Kunshan Rapoo Medical Beauty Clinic, founded in 2011, is located at 1+2 floor, 3236 floor, 3238 floor, 3234 Qianjin West Road, Bacheng Town, Kunshan City.

 Kunshan Rapoo Medical Beauty Clinic

Good at: Rhinoplasty Tooth beauty Labioplasty Skin beauty

Reservation telephone:

Hospital address: 1+2/F, 3236/F, 3238/F, 3234 Qianjin West Road, Bacheng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Updated: 10:11:19, October 16, 2023

Hospital Profile

Kunshan Rapoo Medical Beauty Clinic, founded in 2011, is located at 1+2 floor, 3236 floor, 3238 floor, 3234 Qianjin West Road, Bacheng Town, Kunshan City. The clinic has a perfect emergency service system. The risk prevention team established by the medical expert team is closely monitored for 7 × 24 hours. A 1:1 full-time nursing system is adopted for postoperative recovery, so that every beauty seeker can recover safely after surgery. At the same time, we will establish a safer prevention technology process to provide a safe guarantee for every beauty seeker who comes to Rapoo Medical Beauty.

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