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Kunshan Jiangxin Medical Beauty Clinic

Kunshan Jiangxin Medical Beauty Clinic was established in 2018, and now it has professional medical institutions in plastic surgery, injection plastic surgery, laser beauty and other subjects, its own diagnosis and treatment team and instruments and equipment, South Korea's five generation black comprehensive therapeutic apparatus, imported small bubbles, dot matrix laser therapeutic apparatus.

 Kunshan Jiangxin Medical Beauty Clinic

Good at: Rhinoplasty Tooth beauty Labioplasty Skin beauty

Reservation telephone:

Hospital address: Room 1, Building 10, Jiufang City Garden, 699 Zizhu Road, Kunshan, Suzhou, Jiangsu

Updated: 2023-10-16 10:01:17

Hospital Profile

Kunshan Jiangxin Medical Beauty Clinic was established in 2018, and now it has professional medical institutions in plastic surgery, injection plastic surgery, laser beauty and other subjects, its own diagnosis and treatment team and instruments and equipment, South Korea's five generation black comprehensive therapeutic apparatus, imported small bubbles, dot matrix laser therapeutic apparatus.

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