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Kunming Yuelinglong Medical Beauty Clinic

Kunming Yuelinglong Medical Beauty Clinic, founded in September 2017, is located in the beautiful Spring City of Kunming, on the third floor of No. 101, Building F7, Jiangdong Harmonious Home, Wuhua District, Kunming. It is a technology centered clinic.

 Kunming Yuelinglong Medical Beauty Clinic

Good at: Rhinoplasty Tooth beauty Labioplasty Skin beauty

Reservation telephone:

Hospital address: Floor 3, No. 101, Building F7, Jiangdong Harmonious Home, Wuhua District, Kunming, Yunnan

Updated: 2023-10-16 09:17:37

Hospital Profile

Kunming Yuelinglong Medical Beauty Clinic was established in September 2017, located in the beautiful Spring City of Kunming, on the third floor of No. 101, Building F7, Jiangdong Harmonious Homeland, Wuhua District, Kunming. It is a formal plastic surgery institution with technology as the core, service as the content, safety as the center, and public welfare as the mission. Now it has become a new and cutting-edge reputation plastic surgery institution concerned by beauty lovers. The service scope covers plastic surgery, laser beauty, non-invasive beauty, skin management, body beauty and many other medical beauty fields, and creates exclusive personalized beauty for beauty seekers in an all-round way.

Yunnan Yuelinglong Medical Beauty Hospital was founded by President Zhuge Kai himself. It is a doctor's original independent P brand hospital with technology as the core, service as the content, center and public welfare as the mission. The service covers plastic surgery, laser beauty, beauty, skin management, body beauty and other medical and aesthetic fields.

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