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Doctor Profile

Changzhou Centennial Hair Transplantation Hospital - Zhou Gangqiao Personal Profile:

Zhou Gangqiao, co-founder and technical director of a century old hair transplant

Trained by Professor Wang Jiping - more than 20 years of experience - independently carried out nearly 10000 hair transplant operations

Social reputation and title:

Technical Dean of Jiangsu Centennial Hair Transplantation Research Institute

Member of Plastic and Cosmetic Association

Member of Hair Medicine and Hair Health Management Sub committee of Association of Non public Medical Institutions

Member of Hair Transplantation Professional Committee of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Branch of Plastic and Cosmetic Association

Member of the expert panel of Jiangsu Centennial Hair Transplantation Research Institute

Technical Director of UST Patent Hair Transplantation Technology System

Areas of expertise:

Introduction of experts on hair implantation, large area top densification, hairline adjustment, scar implantation, non shaving hair transplantation, etc. (based on experience) Zhou Gangqiao, a hair transplant doctor, is one of the domestic doctors engaged in hair transplantation surgery. He has made important contributions to clinical medicine, scientific research, teaching and other aspects of hair transplantation, and has published several academic papers. He has been engaged in surgical clinical work for more than 20 years, and has been specialized in autologous hair transplantation for more than 10 years. He has rich clinical experience in hairline, thinning of the top of the head, and large area planting. There are tens of thousands of successful cases, and he has a dedicated surgical team. After layer upon layer selection, training and assessment, the separation division and implant division have all had more than 5 years of clinical experience. The team has a tacit understanding of cooperation, He is good at various hair transplant operations. President Zhou paid attention to the process of hair follicle extraction and implantation during the operation, and controlled the operation quality throughout the process, which was widely praised in the industry. Its main knife has a natural effect of hair transplantation, which has been recognized by many hair friends.


Changzhou Centennial Hair Transplantation Hospital

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