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Die casting forum

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Dalian Yuyang: Development and application of automatic grinding and cutting equipment for die-casting aluminum answer 03-22 10:48
Notice! 1 point for each post answer 06-23 08:31
Questions and Answers on Aluminum Alloy Melting answer 02-29 14:35
Die casting process parameters answer 02-28 16:55
Die casting die (cold chamber die casting die) answer 02-25 16:07
Know die-casting machine (horizontal cold chamber die-casting machine) answer 02-25 15:50
Basic knowledge of die-casting answer 02-25 15:50
Metallographic structure corrosion display answer 02-25 15:16
Introduction to Die Casting Die answer 02-25 09:18
Find a powerful company that can die cast and oxidize answer 01-20 16:18

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