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China Die Casting Network ( http://www All of the following This website ”) The privacy statement is the commitment of this website to protect the privacy of enterprise users and individual members. In view of the characteristics of the network, this website will inevitably have direct or indirect interaction with you. Therefore, we hereby explain the collection, use and protection policies adopted by this website for enterprise users and individual member information. Please read carefully:

Collection and use of information

When you register as an enterprise member on this website, we require you to provide relevant information in the form of filling in a form, such as your real name, position, address, telephone number, e-mail address, short description of your company's services and products and other details. As long as you successfully register on this website and log on to the server, we will be able to identify you and your enterprise information. We will classify our corporate members according to these statistics, such as industry, product, enterprise nature, etc., so as to provide targeted new services and opportunities to our corporate members. We will notify you through your email address —— These new services and opportunities.

Disclosure and sharing of information

This website will publish business opportunities, product information and quotations submitted by enterprise users, while other users can query these business opportunities, product information and quotations. We will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade personal information of users to any third party ; Unless a third party provides services together with this website, and after the end of the service, the third party will be prohibited from accessing, including all these materials that it can access before may be deleted. We will disclose your information in good faith when we are compelled by law or required by the government to provide your information.

Cookies Use of

This website will use Cookies, In order to provide you with more thoughtful personalized service. When you log into our website, this website will use Cookies Store relevant information, follow up your personal preferences and usage habits, so that our website can identify you when you visit again, so as to provide you with information of interest or save passwords, so that you do not have to re-enter passwords every time you visit this website. You can also turn off this function, and this website will stop Cookies Services provided for you.

External Links and Security

This website will link to the addresses of other websites. We may add business partners or common brand website links when necessary, but only comprehensive information will be provided to them, and we will not disclose your identity.

This website will strictly manage and protect the data you provide. This website will use corresponding technology and security measures to prevent your personal data from being lost, stolen or tampered with. But please note that it does not exist on the Internet Perfect safety measures Therefore, we do not promise that the above information is absolutely safe.

Update information

If your enterprise name, product information, address, picture, etc. change, you can notify this website according to the contact information published on this website to help us maintain the accuracy of your information, or you can log in http://www Update your information by yourself. Due to the rapid development of network technology, we will be committed to protecting your personal information and try our best to ensure the accuracy and security of these information.

Revision and feedback of privacy

If you have any comments and suggestions on the privacy protection measures of this website and your problems in use, please contact us:

With the expansion of the service scope of this website, we will update our privacy statement at any time. We welcome you to view this statement at any time. If there is a substantial change in the user information policy, we will post relevant regulations in a prominent position on the web page to notify you in a timely manner.