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 Chinese version of oil tycoon

Chinese version of oil tycoon

The Chinese version of the oil tycoon mobile game is a business simulation game. When players enter the game, they will play the role of the boss of an oil factory. You need to sign relevant orders through reasonable planning, constantly increase the price of oil, and increase your own value. A lot of interesting stories can be triggered here. There are also a series of props to help you gain strong combat power. Those you like can be challenged!

Chinese version of oil tycoon relevant

1. A game in which you can create your poor and rich oil tycoon career and defeat your competitors.

2. Dozens of upgrades and new tools are available to improve your oil extraction operations.

3. Get to know the people in the town in the hall, and make a shady deal.

4. Play the single player game mode to get almost millions of program generated levels and earn the money you can earn in a year.

5. Rent land at town auctions and use prospectors, moles or scanners to search for oil.

Introduction to Chinese version of oil tycoons

1. There was a lot of oil in the early stage. It would be better to buy thick pipes and wagon capacity, and upgrade the oil depot capacity to the second level. It's better to buy the lowest price (for example, if the oil price on the left falls further, it will not fall to 1.05). Then sell it like crazy.

2. If you have enough money to buy a radar, you can also find the speed and depth of the ground survey by small people. First, put six small people to survey the ground, and then accelerate.

3. When two villains are detected together, turn on the radar, and the radar will rise to 2J. The maximum range is 500 yuan.

4. Someone in the tavern wants you to bribe him, and he will give you ultra-low interest or discount. If there is a lot of oil in the next map, you must buy it. Don't buy it if there is not much oil.

5. At the end of the game, the player with the least shares will be the first to exit. At least make sure that you have the second least shares, or you will have no use if you have more money.

6. It is better to wait until more than 1 yuan to sell the oil. By the end of October, if the oil price is not going to rise and the oil depot is full, it will start to sell at a loss.

Evaluation of Chinese version of oil tycoons

Petroleum Drilling

Only he can dig oil in the game, so he is also a very important building.

Upgrading it can make its oil extraction speed faster. It can also make it penetrate the rock, and it can also slow down the time of oil leakage.

[Oil storage tank]

This is used to store oil, so some people will ask why this is used? At first, I didn't know. Later, I learned that there was a tank of oil in it. When the price of oil became a little higher, I would sell it at a higher profit.

Upgrading it can increase its storage capacity.


He is also a very important player in the game. It is up to him to sell oil. At the beginning of the game, there will be two stores on the left and right to buy oil. The price of oil is marked on the shop, which is also a very important number.

Upgrading a full car can make it faster and more oil can be loaded.


In the game, it was shown that this seemingly cute little animal had no great effect. I used it to help me dig diamonds.

Upgrading it can make the number of rocks it digs more. You can also let it dig diamonds.

In the middle of the game, the game was basically smooth.


As the name implies, it is the person who can help you explore the oil field. Upgrade it to increase its detection speed and depth.


Updated on: 2024-06-12 14:46:31

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