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 Back to the Future 1999 International Service Download - Back to the Future 1999 International Service Official Edition Latest Download v1.2.0

Back to the Future 1999 International Service

  • Software version: v1.2.0
  • Running environment: Android
  • Software size: 1.85GB
  • Type: Strategy Card
  • Application language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated on: 2024-06-12 14:39:06
  • label: strategy Card Duel

Back to the Future 1999 International Service is a two-dimensional puzzle solving and war game. Players can unlock a lot of character images when entering the game. Each character has special abilities and different identities. The starting point of players will also change. By solving puzzles and fighting, they can improve their ability to solve the hidden truth, immersive story, and diversified scene details, which can make you feel a different brain storm. Stay in the world of the 1990s and launch more challenges!

Back to the Future 1999 International Service Introduction

1. Rich role selection

Returning to the Future 1999 International Service provides players with a variety of roles to choose from, and each role has a unique personality, skills and background story. Players can choose appropriate roles according to their own preferences and fighting styles to experience different game fun.

2. Unique puzzle solving combat system

The game uses a unique puzzle solving combat system. Players need to solve various puzzles to improve the character's ability and unlock new skills and equipment. This design makes the game full of challenges and fun, so that players can constantly feel the depth and richness of the game in the process of solving puzzles.

3. Beautiful pictures and sound effects

The picture of the game is very beautiful, and every scene is full of details, which makes people feel as if they are in the real 90s world. The music is also very beautiful, which can create a good atmosphere for the game. These elements together bring players the ultimate audio-visual enjoyment.

4. A grand world view

The world view of the game is very grand. Players can explore freely in the game and discover various hidden secrets and amazing events. Each story is full of suspense and surprise, allowing players to constantly experience a sense of freshness and excitement in the game.

5. Diverse social interactions

There are many ways of social interaction in the game. Players can team up with other players to take risks and solve puzzles together. They can also join the guild and participate in various activities with other players to enhance friendship and combat effectiveness.

6. Rich task system

There is a rich task system in the game, including main line tasks, regional tasks and daily tasks. Completing the task can get rich rewards, help players to improve the character's ability faster, and unlock more game content.

Return to the Future 1999 International Costume Role Intensity Ranking

1、 Star Inspiration

T1: Star Antimony (critical hit gain/damage avoidance), Xiali (monomer output/counter dispel/group gain)

T1.5: Apple (single treatment/group blood return), Fog Walker (injury reduction/single output)

2、 Rock inspiration

T1: sonnet (increase injury/disarm/group reduce injury), Winnie Fred (consume blood output/serious injury)

T1.5: Balloon party (group treatment/injury reduction assistance/counter injury)

3、 Bestial inspiration

T1: Centurion, rabbit hair handbag, wolves;

T1.5: Lilani, Tennant, Palmier;

4、 Wood inspiration

T1: Little Spring Queer, east of Berlin, Mud Grasshopper taxi;

T1.5: Five color moon, mistletoe;

5、 Intellectual inspiration

T1.5: Stainless Kai


Analysis of the Combat System of Returning to the Future 1999 International Service

Before entering the battle interface, let's take a look at the character interface.

Let's compare personal attributes: on the left is the level 1 panel of wolves, and on the right is the level 30 panel of wolves' insight.

We can see that personal attributes will increase with the increase of role level and insight level.

After introducing the characters, we will go to the battle interface.

The number of actions in each round depends on the number of people present. As shown in the figure, we currently have three people on the court. So we can do it three times this round. Each time you choose to use or move a card, you need to consume one action point.

Two identical cards can be combined into a higher level card, with a maximum of 3 levels.

If you are not satisfied with the previous operation, you can click the selected card to cancel all operations on the card in this round.

Each round will add cards randomly until the number is drawn to 7.

There are five dim yellow dots under the blood bars of both units. This is the progress bar of the ultimate mystery of both sides. Each time you use Mystery or synthesize higher level Mystery, you can increase the progress by 1 point. When the progress reaches 5/5, the cards representing the character's moves in the next round will be filled in the hand with the highest priority.

Return to the Future 1999 International Service Novice Skills

1. First of all, in this game, we need to know that the characters have the restraint of attributes. The six attributes in the game are mutually restraint. How to understand attribute restraint in the game? For the players to play the game later, the introduction of the main level and the brush of the copy brush materials are helpful. In general, as long as the attribute restraint is used for perfect adaptation, an additional 50% of the benefits will be generated.

Attributes are also divided into natural attributes and intelligence attributes. The basic attributes are beast, wood, star, rock, and intelligence attributes are spirit and intelligence. Among them, beasts fight against wood, wood fight against stars, stars fight against rocks, and rocks fight against animals. These four attributes are divided into natural attributes. The attack damage caused by natural restraint is increased by 40%, and the damage caused by the enemy is reduced by 20%. When the intelligence attribute is restrained, in order to restrain each other, the wound caused will be increased by 30%. When players' card strength and combined card set strength are not very high, they can use the restraint attribute to bring higher improvement.

2. After talking about attribute restraint, we will introduce the character panel in detail. That is, we often say that the basic element value of the character and the improvement of the panel are carried out through upgrading, insight and resonance. It is easy to understand that upgrading requires our experience and gold coins. The main line and corresponding copies of these two things can be brushed, as long as the players upgrade accordingly.

Then comes insight, which is equivalent to a breakthrough in playing other nurturance games. When the character reaches a certain level, it needs to enter the second stage of insight to re cultivate. Insight is a breakthrough. It also requires corresponding materials, which can only be used in the corresponding main level and replica, and most of them are not easy. In the early days, when there was a lack of volunteers, it was suggested to concentrate on raising some rare roles. One thing worth appreciating in the game is that the character will unlock new drawing and new skills after insight. Generally speaking, six and five stars can be seen up to three times, while low star cards can only see twice, so the panel of high star cards is higher and stronger.

3. The resonance system is special. In short, each character has a variety of symbols. Then you need to put the symbols into the corresponding rune disk to make them effective. And each rune has a corresponding attack life and defense bonus, that is, the more you put, the higher the bonus. The number of runes and the size of the rune disk increase with the level of resonance.

It can be said that it is a very interesting system. Different from the random words added to the characters' inscriptions in other games, this game allows itself to equip runes according to the size of the rune disk, which makes the fun of the game play better, and the response of the players is also good.

4. Then there is the rising star system. After the characters are extracted, the stars are only one star. After drawing duplicate roles, the star level can be improved. It is similar to the original god's throne, the potential of tomorrow's ark. However, the difference is that the rising star only increases the value of the big move, and will not cause additional effects on the character. That is to say, if a character's skill group is easy to use, it is OK to draw only one star.

5. After talking about character formation, let's talk about the battle. The fight in the game is a card turn system. The playing method is basically the same as the previous test of Cat City. The origin of this game is basically from the fight between light and dark of the seven crimes of Nissan mobile games. Although the details of the game are different, the overall framework is indeed similar.

Simply put, the card library will randomly refresh the character skill cards in the field, and adjacent cards will be automatically combined and upgraded. On this basis, players can also synthesize some cards they want by moving independently. Well, it should be noted that moving cards consumes the same number of action steps as using cards. At this time, players need to reasonably move cards and allocate battles.

In the battle, we should pay more attention to passion, which is the small square under our blood bar. When you are full of passion, you will be given a must kill card that does not need to consume points. After use, our characters can use the must kill card to cause a powerful damage. Of course, in the same way, enemy characters can also use strong attack when they are full of passion. At this time, the use of passion in battle is more important, which is undoubtedly the key to victory or defeat.

Back to the Future 1999 International Clothing Features

[Chant secret skills and listen to mysterious sounds]

In a world where mystics and human beings coexist, people call them witches, magicians, strange people

[Go back to the past and repeat the old times]

The ancient events will be staged for the second time, and the three acts and five scenes of the times will be presented in front of us. Go to Wall Street, maybe you can see the flash of the stock market crash in 1929.

[English dubbing, classic reproduction in the style of the translated film!]

During this journey, you can choose English or Chinese as the main performance language, with a small number of dialect accents, other languages and unknown languages as well as rich dubbing experience. Please enjoy this strange feast!

Back to the Future 1999 International Service Highlights

In a world where mystics and human beings coexist, people call them witches, magicians, strange people

The ancient events will be staged for the second time, and the three acts and five scenes of the times will be presented in front of us. If you go to Wall Street, maybe you can see the first moment of the stock market crash in 1929.

The 1900s vintage foreign tour, from 1900 to the turn of the century, this time the tour will be performed in English, please enjoy this strange feast!

Various mysterious scenes allow you to explore freely. You need to complete a series of tasks to promote the development of future stories by solving puzzles, fighting and other ways.

With a large amount of free adventure content, you can experience the unique way to play through, explore various maps at will, and discover hidden tasks and treasures.

Return to the Future 1999 International Service Evaluation

With the unique round fighting method, you will encounter various enemies in the process of crossing, exert your strength, master more fighting skills and defeat them.

You can collect a large number of card characters, and creative games will bring players an extraordinary game experience.

Use strategy and wisdom to fight and provide assistance to the enemy on the battlefield. You will win the final victory soon.

Lovely voice actors, with more love and acting skills, can tell you the ups and downs, touching plot content.

You may be looking for other mystics from different times and countries who have found signs of change in the sonnets of charity foundation members.

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Software screenshot

  •  Returning to the Future 1999 International Service Figure 1
  •  Returning to the Future 1999 International Service Figure 2
  •  Returning to the Future 1999 International Service Figure 3
  •  Returning to the Future 1999 International Service Figure 4
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