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Offline remittance

If you need to remit money through corporate transfer, you can Offline remittance You need to contact the exclusive customer service to apply for you. After successful application, you can【 Personal Center - Fund Management - My Account - Exclusive Account 】Check your exclusive account number of the business line corresponding to the fish claw, and then remit the money to your exclusive account number. The system will automatically match the account number after receiving the transfer to complete your recharge. You can make offline remittance according to the following process:

1. Contact your exclusive customer service to apply for your corresponding exclusive account.

2. After obtaining, you can view the exclusive account information on the exclusive account page, and you can send the exclusive account information to the mobile phone that has been bound to the fishclaw account.

 Picture 1. png  

3. It supports transfer or remittance to the exclusive account through online banking/mobile banking/ATM machine/bank counter, etc. After receiving the amount successfully remitted, the account will directly recharge your current account.

4.  I won't support it Remittance to the exclusive account through Alipay, WeChat, ATM or cash deposit without card at the counter.

5. Affected by the processing time of the bank, the arrival time of this method is expected to be 1-2 working days.

6. When remitting, please fill in the account opening information of Yuzhao.com accurately. After successful recharge, you can use the account balance to complete the order payment.

[Description of exclusive account]

1. The exclusive account is used for customers to remit money to the exclusive account through online banking transfer or ATM transfer, and can be automatically matched to the user's fishclaw account.

2. Each fishclaw user has a corresponding dedicated account for offline remittance. The fishclaw account and the dedicated account for offline remittance are one-to-one. After receiving the bank remittance, the system will automatically match to your account and recharge for you.

3. The exclusive account and the account shown in the fishclaw invoice are not the same account, and fishclaw will issue an invoice according to the actual business amount between you and fishclaw.

4. Recharge balance will be withdrawn in the form of original return.

Yuzhao.com solemnly reminds you that please carefully check your exclusive remittance account. The balance in this account cannot be used for other Yuzhao.com accounts or other users. Please carefully check your account information to avoid errors!

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