Financial industry solutions

Financial Cloud Solution , customized cloud computing services for the financial industry, Awang Internet will provide you with strong network connectivity, customized DDoS attack protection as well as Cooperative defense scheme For the security risk control of transactions such as transfer and card binding, the security response and security services of the 7 * 24 Arwang Internet security experts help financial customers improve their business competitiveness and provide high-quality services for customers' Internet financial innovation.
 Financial industry solutions

Advantages of financial industry solutions

Financial risk control : Massive data and risk control models to solve common risk control problems in the financial industry and recover potential losses.

Financial anti D : 1Tbps anti D center, even in the face of attacks, all financial businesses can still be carried out smoothly.

Malicious detection : Output information such as phishing websites of fake financial platforms, block malicious websites and avoid public opinion risks.

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