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He Chaoqiong and other 15 people were employed as consultants for Hong Kong and Macao in Chongqing!

Source: Yunyang Talent Network Time: 2024-06-21 Author: Yunyang Talent Network Views:

June 20th

2024 Annual Meeting of Chongqing Hong Kong and Macao Consultants

Opening in Chongqing

This annual meeting of Hong Kong and Macao consultants is dedicated to

Promote in-depth cooperation between Chongqing, Hong Kong and Chongqing, Macao

Build a diversified and open international communication hub

Focusing on "Jointly develop new quality productivity

Sharing new opportunities for regional cooperation

Participants exchange ideas and wisdom

Talking about cooperation and development

Promote Chongqing Hong Kong Macao cooperation to a new level

A total of Hong Kong and Macao consultants were appointed at this annual meeting 15 Chongqing Hong Kong and Macao consultants, and 35 Chongqing Hong Kong and Macao professional consultants

15 Hong Kong and Macao consultants in Chongqing

He Chaoqiong Chairman of Xinde Group

Liu Yahuang Chairman of the Board of Directors of Macao Wanguo Holding Group

Lin Jianyue Chairman of Lixin Group

Shi Ronghuai Executive Director of Hong Kong Hengtong Resources Group Co., Ltd

Cai Guanshen Chairman of Hong Kong Xinhua Group

He Jinglin Chairman of Macao Anshi Group Co., Ltd

Ma Zhiyi Chairman of the Administrative Committee of Macao Science and Technology Development Fund

Ma Haowen Vice Chairman of Shide Global Group

Lin Long'an Chairman of Yuzhou Financial Holding (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd

Zha Yichao Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Science Park Company

Gan Qinglin Deputy Managing Director of Changjiang Industry

Zheng Xiangling President of Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group

Lin Dexing Chairman of Yashiwei Media Group

Zhong Yongxi General Representative of Hong Kong Trade and Development Council in Mainland China

Huang Zushi Chairman of Ronghui Group

The Articles of Association of Chongqing Hong Kong and Macao Consultants' Annual Meeting was adopted by voting at this annual meeting, in which Ma Haowen was elected as the executive chairman and He Jinglin as the executive vice chairman.

At the event site, 12 Hong Kong and Macao consultant representatives actively made suggestions on Chongqing's opening up and development, the construction of a comprehensive inland opening hub, the Chongqing Hong Kong cooperation conference mechanism, the construction of the Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle and the docking of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and so on, contributing wisdom to the joint development of new productivity and the sharing of new opportunities for regional cooperation between Chongqing, Hong Kong and Macao. Hong Kong and Macao consultant representatives have said that the construction of a modern new Chongqing provides new opportunities and opportunities for Chongqing Hong Kong Macao cooperation, and will promote Chongqing on a broader and broader platform to drive more outstanding enterprises to Chongqing to share development opportunities.

After the formal establishment of the Chongqing Hong Kong Cooperation Conference mechanism in 2023, new opportunities for Chongqing Hong Kong cooperation have been released. With the support of the consultation platform enabling cooperation mechanism, the cooperation between Chongqing, Hong Kong and Macao has continued to leap, the cooperation fields have continued to expand, and mutual benefits and complementarities have gradually deepened, with remarkable results achieved.

Economic and trade field Under the guidance of Chongqing Hong Kong Consultants, Ronghui International Hot Spring City, Green Agriculture Demonstration Base and other 10 billion level investment projects have been launched. Last year, Chongqing's total trade volume with Hong Kong and Macao reached 56 billion yuan, leading 12 provinces, autonomous regions and cities in western China

Science and innovation field Chongqing, Hong Kong and Macao jointly build and share a scientific and technological innovation platform, Jointly build a future industrial science and technology innovation park China Resources Microelectronics has built a car size industrial semiconductor and auto chip industry ecosystem in Chongqing, taking the lead in the country, and joined hands with HKUST Jointly build Chongqing Intelligent Research Institute and Mingyue Lake National Intelligent Industry Base It has successfully incubated many innovative enterprises such as Luzai Technology and Iron Animal Technology.

Financial field Hong Kong and Macao actively participated in the construction of the Western Financial Center. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing House Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Stock Transfer Center Co., Ltd. reached strategic cooperation, There are 19 Chongqing enterprises listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Macao Monetary Authority Vigorously support Chongqing's participation in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Finance and Economics The Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, the Hong Kong Association of Banks and others actively participated in the activities of the New Channel Financial Services Consortium Jointly support "Chongqing Railway Vehicles Going to Sea"

Logistics With the new land and sea channel in the west as the carrier, give full play to the comprehensive advantages of the international logistics distribution center and international shipping center in Hong Kong and Macao, promote the logistics in Hong Kong and Macao, expand the supply chain financial enterprises to jointly participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", Build Chongqing Shenzhen Hong Kong Express Line And help enterprises from Chongqing, Hong Kong and Macao to go to sea together, go out hand in hand, and jointly explore the international market of ASEAN and other countries. Work together to build functional platforms such as inland international logistics distribution center, and promote the construction of Chongqing international logistics hub.

Humanities , jointly built Chongqing Culture Hong Kong Promotion Center, Macao Chongqing Home The joint development of "Chongqing+Hong Kong+Macao" cultural and creative tourism boutique route project, "Chongqing · Hong Kong Week", "Macao · Chongqing Week", "Macao 10000 people visiting Chongqing" and other cultural and tourism brand projects continue to inject momentum into Chongqing Macao Hong Kong people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation. In 2023, the passenger throughput of Hong Kong and Macao will reach 197000 person times, and Hong Kong and Macao will be the first source of inbound tourists in our city

During this annual meeting, Hong Kong and Macao consultants will also be organized to carry out project negotiations, enterprise visits and other activities, and organize visits to Jiangbeizui Central Business District, Guoyuangang National Logistics Hub, Celis Liangjiang Smart Factory, Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone and other places to learn about the economic and social development of modern new Chongqing.

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