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Check the detailed IP address

Release time: August 8, 2020 14:26:45
Graphic text tutorial

For the little partner who needs to check the detailed IP address, I don't know where to check it on the computer. Here is a demonstration.

Take win10 as an example

Method 1:

one Step 1 Click Start menu, Settings, Search box, Search control panel, Enter

 Check the detailed IP address

 Check the detailed IP address (1)

two Step 2 Click to view the network status and tasks, click the connected network, and click Details to see the IP address information

 Check the detailed IP address (2)

 Check the detailed IP address (3)

 Check the detailed IP address (4)

 Check the detailed IP address (5)

Method 2:

three Step 3 Press and hold the win+R key at the same time to open the operation, enter cmd, and click OK

 Check the detailed IP address (6)

four Step 4 Enter ipconfig and press Enter. You can also see your own IP address

 Check the detailed IP address (7)

Click to see more
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