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What is the reason for slow computer response

Release time: 09:02:00, July 29, 2021
Graphic text tutorial

Brand and model: Lenovo GeekPro 2020, Apple iMac

System: win10 1909 64 bit Enterprise Edition, macOS Big Sur11.0.1

Software version: 360 Security Guard 12.0.0

What is the reason for slow computer response ? Now let's take a look at the causes and solutions of slow computer response.

The computer responds slowly because the CPU load is too high and the performance is insufficient. You can clean the computer and reduce the CPU load.

Lenovo computer:

one Step 1 Open the software, click Optimization Acceleration, click Comprehensive Acceleration, and optimize immediately

 What is the reason for slow computer response

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (1)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (2)

two Step 2 Check all, click to confirm the optimization, and wait until the optimization is completed

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (3)


three Step 3 Click Apple in the upper left corner, select About This Machine, click Storage Space, and click Manage

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (4)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (5)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (6)

four Step 4 Select the file to be cleaned, click the delete icon, and click Remove to delete the file

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (7)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (8)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (9)

five Step 5 Delete all redundant files to realize optimization acceleration

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (10)

 What Causes Slow Computer Response (11)


Lenovo computer:

Open the software to optimize immediately

Select all to confirm completion of optimization


Click Storage Space Management

Select Cleanup File

Delete redundant files

Click to see more
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