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What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet

Release time: 2021-03-31 16:57:31
Graphic text tutorial

Brand and model: iPhone12

System: IOS 14.3

What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet ? Here's how to deal with Apple's inability to connect to WiFi.

1、 Open the settings, click WLAN, enter the connected network, ignore this network, ignore

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (1)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (2)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (3)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (4)

Then re-enter the network, enter the password and click Join

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (5)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (6)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (7)

2、 Press and hold the power key and volume key, slide the screen to shut down, and then restart

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (8)

 What to do if Apple's mobile phone can't connect to wifi but can't access the Internet (9)

The above is the content of Apple's mobile phone that can't be connected to WiFi, and I hope it will be helpful to you.

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