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How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started

Release time: 09:20:00, January 11, 2022
Graphic text tutorial

Brand and model: Apple iMac, Lenovo GeekPro 2020

System: macOS Big Sur11.0.1, win10 1909 64 bit Enterprise Edition

Software version: One click reinstallation system of tomato 2.1.6

How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started What about? Let's share with you how to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started.


Open the browser, enter the official Apple website, and find the system version to download and install. Here, take macOS Catalina 10.15 as an example. After clicking the corresponding system, the browser will automatically jump to the App Store and select Download

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (1)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (2)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (3)

After the system download is completed, insert the USB flash disk on the computer, open the startup platform, other, disk tools

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (4)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (5)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (6)

Click the USB flash disk in the external device, erase it, change the name to MyVolume, and click Erase to finish

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (7)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (8)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (9)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (10)

Open the Apple official website, and right click in the terminal window to copy the password under Catalina

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (11)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (12)

Open the startup console, others, and terminals. Right click in the terminal window to paste the password. Enter

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (13)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (14)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (15)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (16)

Enter the computer power on password, enter, enter Y, enter

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (17)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (18)

Wait until the creation of the USB flash disk is completed. After the creation of the USB flash disk is completed, select Shut Down

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (19)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (20)

After power off, long press ALT+power on key on the keyboard until the computer enters the macOS utility interface, and select network to connect

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (21)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (22)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (23)

After connecting the wifi, enter the prepared USB flash disk startup disk, wait for the loading to complete, and enter

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (24)

Click Install macOS, continue, select Agree, select the drive letter to install, and finally click Install. After installation, enter the system to complete the reinstallation

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (25)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (26)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (27)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (28)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (29)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (30)

Lenovo computer:

Method 1:

Insert the startup USB stick on the computer to be reinstalled, turn on the computer and press the USB stick startup shortcut key repeatedly

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (31)

Select the option with USB in the system startup menu and enter

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (32)

Enter the system boot option interface and select Windows 10 PE to enter the system

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (33)

After entering the system, the software will automatically open the search system image, find the image, and click Install

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (34)

There is no need to change in the ready to install interface, click Start Installation, and select Continue

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (35)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (36)

Wait for the installation. After the installation is completed, remove the USB flash disk and click Restart Now

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (37)

Next, there is no need to operate, just wait patiently for the system installation. After the installation is completed, enter the system to complete the reinstallation

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (38)

Method 2:

Open the big tomato one click reinstallation system, click Refit Now , wait for the system to detect the computer environment, click Next

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (39)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (40)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (41)

Select the system interface, select the system version to be installed, click Install on the right, wait for the system download and installation to complete, and restart the computer

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (42)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (43)

Select Big Tomato to reinstall the system with one click, and enter the system installation interface

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (44)

Wait until the system installation is completed and you can successfully enter the Windows system desktop

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (45)

 How to reinstall the system when the computer cannot be started (46)



Enter Apple's official download system

Insert a USB stick to enter the disk tool

Erase the USB flash disk and change the name

Enter the official website to copy the terminal password

Enter the terminal of the starting platform to paste the password

Enter password and enter Y

Shut down after the startup disk is completed

Access the utility to connect to the network

Enter USB flash disk, start disk, load and enter

Select Install Complete Reinstall

Lenovo computer:

Method 1:

Insert a USB flash drive into the computer and press the shortcut key

Select USB text option and enter

Enter the system boot option and select the system

Find the image and click Install

Click Start Installation to continue

After installation, pull out the USB flash disk and restart it immediately

Re installation is completed upon entering the system

Method 3:

Click Reinstall Now Next

Select the version to install on the system interface

One click reinstallation system for selecting large tomatoes

After entering the desktop, the reinstallation is completed


Apple official website link:

System password:

Click to see more
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