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How PS makes colored lead sketch background

Release time: 09:46:02, December 14, 2020
Graphic text tutorial

Brand and model: Lenovo GeekPro 2020

System: win10 1909 64 bit Enterprise Edition

Software version: Adobe Photoshop cs6

Some users may have different computer models, but the same system version is suitable for this method.

How PS makes colored lead sketch background ? Now let's share with you the tutorial of how ps turns the background into sketch colored lead.

one Step 1 Open ps, import material, ctrl+J copy a layer

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (1)

two Step 2 Ctrl+shift+U to decolorize, then ctrl+J to copy another layer, and ctrl+i to invert the picture

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (2)

three Step 3 Click the filter, others, minimum value, adjust the radius to the smallest pixel, confirm, and change the mixing mode to color fade

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (3)

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (4)

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (5)

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (6)

four Step 4 Finally, click the filter, filter library, select the color pencil for artistic effect, adjust the values, and confirm

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (7)

 How PS makes colored lead sketch background (8)

The above is how ps makes the picture color lead effect. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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