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The price of Ethereum hit 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of more than 2%

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2024-04-07 19:10:35
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   two hundred and two four On April 7, 2006, the price of Ethereum stood at 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of 2.12%. Although the price dropped slightly, it still kept rising. Within 24 hours, the price of Ethereum reached the highest of 3409.58 dollars, and the market generally expects that Ethereum still has room for growth in the future. In addition, if Ethereum spot ETF is successfully approved, it may further boost its price.

 The price of Ethereum hit 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of more than 2%

   The proposal of Ethereum circulation reduction caused controversy

Recently, Mike Neuder, a researcher of the Ethereum Foundation, proposed to reduce the circulation in the next Ethereum upgrade, but other researchers and developers strongly opposed it. They believed that the proposal was an "overreaction to unfounded centralisation concerns" and said they would "fully oppose" the idea. It is feared that this may have a great impact on the confidence of the Ethereum community and investors.

 The price of Ethereum hit 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of more than 2% (1)

   Ethereum price analysis

The price of Ethereum is affected by many factors. At the macro level, the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve and the supervisory attitude of the Securities and Exchange Commission will have an impact on it; At the micro level, the development of Ethereum ecosystem and the adoption of Layer2 solution will also cause price fluctuations. In addition, the decrease in gas costs may lead to inflation, some airdrop projects may also be attacked by hackers, and the project party may withdraw with liquidity. These factors may affect investors' confidence in Ethereum.

 The price of Ethereum hit 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of more than 2% (2)

   Future Outlook

Compared with Bitcoin, Ethereum is relatively weak in the market. Although the development of Ethereum ecosystem has driven its exchange rate with Bitcoin to rise, the recent attitude of regulators may affect its future development. However, the future of Ethereum is still worth looking forward to. With the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, Ethereum, as the leader of smart contracts and decentralized application platforms, may achieve greater success in the future. Therefore, despite the current challenges, Ethereum is still expected to achieve long-term steady growth in the future. Investors and community members should pay close attention to the development of the Ethereum ecosystem and adjust their investment strategies according to market conditions.

Title: The price of Ethereum hit 3400 US dollars, with a daily increase of more than 2%

Solemnly declare that: The content released by Oriental Fortune is intended to spread more information, which has nothing to do with our position and does not constitute investment advice.

Risk warning: Invest cautiously, make rational decisions, and bear market risks.

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