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What does web3 meta universe mean? Specific differences

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2024-04-14 15:18:17
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   web3 It is the next stage of the Internet and also refers to the next iteration of the World Wide Web. It has the characteristics of democratization and is based on semantic network technology. web3 The era will introduce a fully democratized and decentralized Internet, which will no longer be controlled by any few entities or individual.

Metauniverse is a 3D space driven by virtual reality, augmented reality and hybrid reality, which brings immersive experience to users. Users can interact with 3D objects. The purpose of the metauniverse is to create a virtual replica for the real world and provide people with designated spaces for social activities, entertainment and work. All these spaces can be interoperable, and each node is hosted on the blockchain, so it is not controlled by any single entity.

 What does web3 meta universe mean? Specific differences

   The difference between Web3 and the metauniverse:

  1.  Intrinsic immersion

The essence of Web 3 is not immersion. It uses semantic network technology to digitize the information layer and overlay the spatial interaction layer on it. Even if there is no space for interaction layer, web3.0 can work. But this is not the case with the metauniverse, which relies on the simulation of the real world to bring immersive experience, so as to achieve spatial interaction in an immersive environment.

  2.  Use Cases

The purpose of Web 3.0 is roughly the same as that of the Internet Web 2.0 we currently use, and it will continue to provide us with Internet services. You can use web3.0 to search information, contact others, consume and create content, and gain benefits from some online services. Metauniverse has opened up a new category of use, such as social VR and team 3D virtual collaboration.

 What does web3 meta universe mean? Specific differences (1)

  3.  Underlying technology

Web 3.0 relies on the latest version of the hypertext transmission protocol HTTP, which maps semantic relationships through artificial intelligence technology. The metauniverse is built using VR, AR, human-computer interaction methods, modeling, 3D design and artificial intelligence.

  4.  Develop his stakeholders

Web 3.0 is created by developers using a completely open source code base. Just like the current Internet, it is not created entirely by one entity. The creation and development of Web3.0 cannot be attributed to one person. Yuanuniverse mainly relies on the efforts of a few companies to develop. At least from this early stage, it was developed by the joint efforts of a few companies. Once the platform is in place and democratized, the final code base may be open source.

  5.  Current availability status

At present, Web 3.0 is still in its infancy and is being conceived. There is no relevant proof of concept. The exact definition of web3.0 by researchers, commentators, and analysts may vary. It fully indicates that web3.0 is still in a very early stage. Metauniverse is currently in the development stage, and several platforms are already available.

 What does web3 meta universe mean? Specific differences (2)

Title: What does web3 meta universe mean? Specific differences

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