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Article Understand the basics of digital currency contracts

Copywriter: Cloud Knight
2024-04-25 19:35:05
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   Digital currency contracts, especially the so-called futures and options contracts, have attracted more and more attention from investors in the financial market in recent years. Such contracts allow investors to speculate or hedge against the future price of digital currency without directly purchasing underlying assets. For investors who are new to the digital currency market, it is very important to understand the basic types and characteristics of contracts and the risk management of transactions. Here we will systematically introduce the basic knowledge of digital currency contracts to help you better understand and participate in this market.

 Article Understand the basics of digital currency contracts

   I Type of contract

1. Futures contract: futures contract is a standardized contract. The buyer and the seller promise to buy or sell a certain amount of assets (such as Bitcoin) at a predetermined price at a specific time in the future. Futures contracts are usually traded on exchanges with high liquidity and transparency.

2. Option contract: the option contract provides the holder with the right to buy or sell the underlying assets at a specific price at a specific time in the future, but not the obligation. Option contracts are divided into call options and put options, which allow the purchase and sale of underlying assets respectively.

 Learn the basics of digital currency contracts (1)

   II Characteristics of the contract

1. Leverage effect: digital currency contracts usually provide leverage, which means that investors can control larger amount of assets through smaller funds. This can amplify gains and may also amplify losses.

2. Risk management: contract trading allows investors to hedge risks and protect existing investments from price fluctuations by setting futures or options strategies.

3. No need to hold real assets: transaction contracts do not need to actually hold the underlying digital currency, so the complexity of storage and security management is eliminated.

 Learn the basics of digital currency contracts (2)

   III Risks of contract transaction

1. Market risk: the price of digital currency is highly volatile, and the rapid change of market price may lead to large losses.

2. Leverage risk: Although leverage can expand profits, it will also enlarge losses. Reverse market movements may lead to rapid margin calls or contract clearing.

3. Liquidity risk: In some cases, digital currency contracts may be difficult to buy or sell quickly due to insufficient market liquidity, especially under extreme market conditions.

 Learn the basics of digital currency contracts (3)

   IV How to start a transaction

1. Select a trading platform: the first step is to select a digital currency trading platform with good reputation, support for multiple contract types and strong security measures.

2. Opening a transaction account: open a transaction account on the platform and conduct identity verification as required.

3. Capital Recharge: Recharge funds to the trading account for contract transactions.

4. Learning and practice: Before starting the actual trading, investors should fully learn the trading rules and strategies of the contract, and it is best to practice in the simulated account.

5. Risk management: set reasonable risk management measures, including the use of stop loss and stop gain orders to limit possible losses.

By understanding and using digital currency contracts, investors can seek profit opportunities in the market and effectively manage the risks of their portfolios. In view of its complexity and risk, it is recommended that investors should fully study and prepare before conducting contract transactions.

Title: Article Understand the basics of digital currency contracts

Solemnly declare that: The content released by Oriental Fortune is intended to spread more information, which has nothing to do with our position and does not constitute investment advice.

Risk warning: Invest cautiously, make rational decisions, and bear market risks.

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