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Imba Emptiness Outfit Emptiness Increase

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2024-05-10 15:05:22
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Before we understand the strategy of putting on and adding points, we should first have a general understanding of the basic positioning and skills of the virtual spirit. The virtual spirit is positioned as a mage/assassin, and is good at using its super explosive force and flexible displacement ability to catch the enemy's weak links and give a fatal blow.

Shadow Shuttle (Skill 1): The phantom moves a distance in the specified direction instantly, causing damage to the enemies passing by.

Soul Binding (Skill 2): cast a soul chain on the designated enemy, causing continuous damage and limiting its movement.

Nether Explosion (Skill 3): Collect energy and cause huge damage to the enemy in front of you.

Netherworld Chop (ultimate skill): The ghost is transformed into a ghost form, which can quickly attack the enemies in the designated area, causing high damage.

The appearance of the virtual spirit mainly focuses on improving its explosive damage and survivability. The following are some core equipment suitable for the spirit and their uses:

Thunder Rage: Increases spell strength and movement speed. Passivity can increase agility and output.

Eternal Shield: increases the ability of magic to suck blood and survive, making the virtual spirit more persistent in battle.

Phantom Boots: increase movement speed and cooling reduction, and increase flexibility and skill combo frequency.

Code of the underworld: further strengthen the ability of spell explosion, so that it can quickly weaken the opponent in a short time.

Staff of Time: increases HP and Mana, and increases spell strength. Its passive effect can make the key skills of the spirit enter the cooling faster.

 Imba Emptiness Outfit Emptiness Increase

For the virtual spirit, reasonable addition is the key to develop its battlefield potential. The following is the recommended order of adding points:

Key points in the early stage: in the early stage, we should focus on improving "shadow shuttle" and "soul binding", give priority to ensuring our own survival and consumption ability, and also provide some control and output for group warfare.

Mid term adjustment: As the game enters the mid term, gradually increase the level of "void burst", and increase its burst damage in group warfare.

Later improvement: Don't forget to raise the level of "Youming Chop" at the appropriate time to maximize its ultimate skill. Ensure that all skills can be developed in a balanced way in the later period.

In addition to dressing up and adding points, it is also very important to master the virtual spirit's reasonable movement and skill combo. In the battle, try to use the displacement advantage of "Shadow Shuttle", cooperate with "Soul Binding" to limit the enemy, and then use "Nether Explosion" and "Nether Chop" to inflict explosive damage. It is worth noting that although the spirit is strong, it is also fragile. Don't rush into the enemy without ensuring security.

The role of Xu Ling in IMBA has incomparable explosive power and flexibility. Through a reasonable strategy of making costumes and adding points, and the accumulation of some practical experience, the virtual spirit will play a vital role in the battlefield. I hope this article can help you better understand and master this role and enjoy the fun brought by the game.

Title: Imba Emptiness Outfit Emptiness Increase

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