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How to install lols11

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2024-05-11 15:33:43
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Before shipping, we first need to understand the shipping principles of mobile game LOLS. Similar to the PC version, the hero's occupation and the situation of the game are the two core factors that determine the route of installation. Heroes are divided into six classes: tank, soldier, assassin, mage, shooter and assistant. Each class has different requirements for equipment. Players first need to consider the selection of equipment according to the career orientation of the selected hero.

S11 season has made some adjustments to the equipment system, adding and modifying some equipment, which has had a significant impact on the shipping strategy. Some equipment specially designed for mages has added new effects, emphasizing more mana management and skill bonus. For assassins, some equipment changes have enhanced their stealth and explosive abilities. Understanding these changes is crucial to the correct selection.

When choosing equipment for mobile game LOLS11 season, in addition to considering hero occupation and equipment update of the current season, we also need to follow some basic principles:

Strengthen advantages: select equipment that can amplify the hero's core advantages. For example, for high damage assassin heroes, priority should be given to equipment that increases attack power or penetration power.

Make up for your weaknesses: Select equipment for your heroes' weaknesses. For example, brittle heroes can improve their survivability by purchasing armor or magic resistance equipment.

Adjust to the situation: the equipment selection in the game should be flexible. If the opponent's AP hero is too strong, it will be more appropriate to give priority to increasing the equipment of magic resistance.

Note: The physical output and durability of the warrior hero are relatively balanced in the early and middle stages. Choosing black cut can increase the survival ability while increasing the output. Thorn Armor is the best choice against physical attack heroes.

Note: For mage heroes, improving AP and reducing skill CD are core considerations. Luden's echo provides the initial burst, while the Death Hat of the Destroyer is the representative of AP's ultimate strengthening.

Note: The shooter focuses on continuous output. Endless blade and rapid fire gun are the only options to increase the explosive power and attack speed. The Dance of Phantom and the Greedy Hydra further enhance survival and AOE output capabilities.

 How to install lols11

Every hero and game is unique, and there is no one size fits all solution. The most important thing is that players need to understand the properties and applicable scenarios of each piece of equipment, and flexibly adjust their own packaging strategies. With the deepening of players' understanding of the game and heroes, I believe everyone can find the most suitable route for their own. I hope this introduction can provide some help and guidance for you on the journey of mobile game LOLS11 season.

Title: How to install lols11

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 How to install lols11
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How to install lols11
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