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A guide for beginners to find light

Copywriter: cozy
2023-02-14 16:52:49
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For the game of light seeking journey, its playing method can be said to be very mainstream, because it is the card story that integrates a lot of formative elements in it. Young friends can collect cards of different shapes. Today, I will bring you the light seeking journey strategy, hoping that players can experience the game better, Including the completion of the story and the combination of different elements, or if you are experiencing it recently, let's take a look.

 A guide for beginners to find light

The way to play the game must be inseparable from its story. After entering the game, the player plays the role of an angel. In the process of participating in the game, the player constantly fights and discovers more hidden stories. Dialogue is the core of the plot trend. The difficulty of cultivation will be much lower when the plot is completed, The purpose is to let the kids have the energy to explore the game world.

In terms of cultivation, its system is not so diverse. Like the general cultivation games, most of them involve weapons, characters, skills, talents, etc., but there are only combat power and attributes. What the player needs to do is to increase the combat power value. At the same time, there is not much strategic awareness in the fight, As long as the combat power is not up to the standard, it is very difficult to successfully pass the level. The most intuitive performance is to be defeated or to kill in seconds. Therefore, players who like the feel of operation may not be satisfied, but it will make the game experience process of children easier.

 A guide for beginners to find light (1)

You should also know that the most important thing to cultivate characters in the game is to cultivate some powerful characters. According to the different positioning of cards, their abilities are also different. Players can choose to cultivate after matching their own lineups. Generally, they give priority to output, followed by guards, nannies and assistants, Generally, players can get a purple card nurse after they pass the prologue for the first time, but it is not recommended to cultivate them directly. To become a high player, it is very necessary to draw cards, especially in order to ensure the field endurance of output, it is not enough to rely solely on single milk, and a good lineup, What is needed is the combination of multiple different positions, especially the integration of protection, recovery, control and output, which can also help each other.

In terms of team matching, it is also very simple. Generally, as long as it is not severely suppressed, the advantage of combat power can help people win. As long as the output of a certain combat power is well cultivated, it will not be difficult to pass copies daily. Secondly, the position is also very mindless. The output treatment is backward, and the shield guard is in front, It is not ruled out that some assistants are also relatively fragile. At this time, we should put them behind. With the improvement of everyone's level, what we need to do is to improve the character's combat power. Like many card games, the whole process is automatic attack, freeing our hands to experience the drama. Only some difficult levels need to have requirements on the timing of skill release, At this time, people only need to use manual operation. There are not many copies like this one that compare the timing of eating skills and understanding of boss skills, so it is not difficult to get started.

 A guide for beginners to find light (2)

In general, the first thing that players need to do in the process of experience is to go through the story, brush the daily life, and get the cards they want. At this time, they can match their transition lineup, and then operate freely according to the prompts. When the conditions for drawing the card pool are available, they can consider starting, In addition, priority should be given to the cultivation of a single high output character. After the plot is completed to a certain extent, the following copies may be difficult. At this time, the advantages of reasonable allocation of positions can be shown. At the same time, there is no one-sided situation. In terms of playability, it is relatively good.

 A guide for beginners to find light (3)

Well, here is a brief introduction to the journey of finding light. If you are experiencing the game, you can also go in and test it on the spot to see if it is similar to what I said. If it is helpful, you can experience it in the game.

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